############################################# # /!\ AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT /!\ # ############################################# "SECTION";"Review of career for the period under consideration";null 0;"Titles of jobs occupied";"Duration of duties, principal skills implemented...";2;2 2;"Have you completed non-mandatory training in the last 6 years?";null;2;2;false;false;"Yes";null;"No";null 2;"Have you completed mandatory training in the last 6 years?";null;2;2;false;false;"No";null;"Yes";null 9;"Training courses completed";"Titles, duration";2;2;true;"2022-01-01T00:00:00" 0;"Certifications obtained";"Titles, method of obtaining (training, APL etc.)";2;2 0;"Did the training provided meet your expectations?";null;2;2 0;"Have you been able to put what you learned into practice?";null;2;2 2;"Have you had a pay increase since your last review?";null;2;2;true;false;"Yes";null;"No";null 2;"Have you experienced career progression since your last review?";null;2;2;false;false;"No";null;"Yes";null "SECTION";"Expression of training wants and needs";null 0;"What do you do best? What do you like most about your current job?";null;2;2 0;"What difficulties have you encountered? How do you plan to overcome them?";null;2;2 8;"Do you need training for the coming year?";null;2;2; false 0;"What training are you thinking of giving your colleagues?";null;2;2 2;"Do you plan to use your PTA (personal training account) in the next one or two years?";"If yes, for which training eligible for PTA? With what goal?";2;2;true;false;"Yes";null;"No";null;"don't know";null 2;"Do you plan to do a skills review in the next two years?";null;2;1;true;false;"Yes";null;"No";null;"Don't know";null 0;"Career plan and wants in terms of professional development";null;2;2 "SECTION";"Action plan / Envisaged follow-up";null 0;"Proposed actions";"Description and implementation deadlines";2;2 0;"Commitment made by the company";null;0;2 0;"Commitment made by the employee";null;2;2