############################################# # /!\ AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT /!\ # ############################################# 0;"How do you feel in your new role as manager?";null;3;2 0;"What do you like best about this new role? ";null;3;2 0;"Is managing with one or more members of your team particularly challenging? ";null;3;2 0;"What would your team members say about you taking the position as manager?";null;3;2 0;"Do you need special support or training? ";null;3;2 0;"Do you have any good practices (rituals, communication, team life, etc.) to share? ";null;3;2 0;"Do you feel that you have received enough support so far in your new position? What was lacking?";null;3;2 5;"Overall, how do you feel today in your role as manager?";null;3;2;false;"Completely lost";"Fully effective";1;5