############################################# # /!\ AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT /!\ # ############################################# 0;"Project assessment: what are the strengths of the employee that you were able to identify during the project?";null;2;2 0;"What are the areas for improvement?";null;2;2 1;"How would you rate the employee on each of the following criterias? Understanding of the challenges and objectives of the project";null;2;2;false;"Below expectations";"Above expectations";1;5 1;"Ability to communicate with members of the project team (clarity, transparency, ability to express an opinion and to convince, etc.)";null;2;2;false;"Below expectations";"Above expectations";1;5 1;"Availability and responsiveness";null;2;2;false;"Below expectations";"Above expectations";1;5 1;"Finding solutions to the problems encountered";null;2;2;false;"Below expectations";"Above expectations";1;5 1;"Compliance with methodologies and deadlines";null;2;2;false;"Below expectations";"Above expectations";1;5