############################################# # /!\ AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT /!\ # ############################################# 0;"Reminder of the project goals";"";2;2 0; "Highlights: what went well, what difficulties did you encounter, what changes did you make?";null;2;2 5; "Overall assessment of the assignment: did the results meet expectations?";null;2;2;false; "Below expectations"; "Exceeds expectations";1;5 0; "Functional review: project management, consulting methodology, etc.";null;2;2 0; "Technical review: achievements, feedback, new tools or methods";null;2;2 0; "Have there been any positive or negative indirect effects?"; "New cross-functional project, pooling of resources,...";2;2 0; "What can be done to improve performance, costs or timescales?";null;2;2 0; "What short-term or medium-term actions could be implemented to further improve performance or expand the service?";null;2;2