############################################# # /!\ AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT /!\ # ############################################# 0;"Goal(s): initial idea";"Describe the goals that you have in mind. The following questions will help you to establish your goal(s).";2;2 0;"S (specific): What would you like to achieve? Do you need colleagues to make it happen? Why are we doing this?";null;2;2 0;"M (measurable): Would you be able to measure your progress? How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal(s)?";null;2;2 0;"A (achievable): Do you have the right skills to achieve these goals? If not, how can you acquire the skills required?";null;2;2 0; "R (realistic): are they aligned with the company's goals? Why are we setting these goals now?";null;2;2 0;"T (time): What is the time limit for achieving these goals? Is it really feasible?";null;2;2 6; "Now that your goals have been correctly analyzed and described, you can add them directly to the dedicated module: ";null;2;2;false; "2022-01-01--2023-01-01--0"