############################################# # /!\ AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT /!\ # ############################################# "SECTION";"Career Review";null 0;"Positions held";"Duration, main skills required...";2;2 2;"Have you taken non-mandatory training over the past 6 years?";null;2;2;false;false;"Yes";null;"No";null 2;"Have you taken mandatory training over the past 6 years?";null;2;2;false;false;"Yes";null;"No";null 0;"Trainings attended";"Topics, duration";2;2 0;"Certifications obtained";"";2;2 0;"Did the training provided match to your expectations?";null;2;2 0;"Were you able to put into practice what you learned?";null;2;2 2;"Have you benefited from a salary progression since your last professional interview?";null;2;2;true;false;"Yes";null;"No";null 2;"Have you benefited from salary progression since your last professional interview?";null;2;2;true;false;"Yes";null;"No";null "SECTION";"Training wishes and needs";null 0;"What are you most successful at? What do you like most about your current role?";null;2;2 0;"What difficulties do you encounter? How do you plan to overcome them?";null;2;2 0;"Do you need training for the coming year?";null;2;2 0;"What training do you think you can give to your colleagues?";null;2;2 2;"(For french contracts) Do you plan to use your CPF (personal training account) within one to two years?";"Si oui, pour quelles actions éligibles au CPF ? Avec quel objectif ?";2;2;true;false;"Yes";null;"No";null;"I don't know";null 2;"Do you plan to do a skills assessment within one to two years?";null;2;1;true;false;"Yes";null;"No";null;"I don't know";null 0;"Professional plan and wishes";null;2;2 "SECTION";"Action plan / Follow-up";null 0;"Action proposal(s)";"Description and implementation deadlines";2;2 0;"Commitment made by the company";null;0;2 0;"Commitment made by the employee";null;2;2