############################################# # /!\ AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT /!\ # ############################################# 1;" How meaningful is your work? ";null;2;2;false;"Not at all meaningful ";"Extremely meaningful ";1;5 1;"How challenging is your job?";null;2;2;false;"Not at all challenging ";"Extremely challenging ";1;5 1;" In a typical week, how often do you feel stressed at work?";null;2;2;false;"Not at all often";"Extremely often";1;5 1;"How well are you paid for the work you do?";null;2;2;false;"Not at all well ";"Extremely well ";1;5 1;"How realistic are the expectations of your supervisor?";null;2;2;false;"Not at all realistic ";"Extremely realistic ";1;5 1;"How often do the tasks assigned to you by your supervisor help you grow professionally?";null;2;2;false;"Not at all often ";"Extremely often ";1;5 1;"How many opportunities do you have to get promoted where you work?";null;2;2;false;"None at all ";"A great deal";1;5 1;"Are you supervised too much at work, supervised too little, or supervised about the right amount?";null;2;2;false;"Much too little ";"Much too much ";1;5 1;"Are you satisfied with your employee benefits, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with them, or dissatisfied with them?";null;2;2;false;"Extremely dissatisfied ";"Extremely satisfied ";1;5 1;"How proud are you of your employer's brand?";null;2;2;false;"Not at all proud ";" Extremely proud ";1;5 1;"How likely are you to look for another job outside the company?";null;2;2;false;"Not at all likely ";"Extremely likely ";1;5