Before getting started
The professional email address is a required data item when creating a user's file. This is an application data item, required in order for the Lucca apps to work properly.
With the "Notify the employee by email" option, you can let the employee know when their file has been created. This notification email will contain a link allowing them to create their password and obtain all of the elements needed to access the platform. An employee who has not yet joined the company cannot log in to the platform before the exact date indicated as their contract start date. However, they can set their password before this date.
Most of the time, companies use the same email address format for all of their employees. For example, it may be the first name only, the first letter of the first name and then the full last name, or even the country where the employee works. Core HR has a feature that lets you set up email address policies to automatically fill out employee information when creating their file.
Setting up the email address policy associated with your company
To apply the same email address format for all employees by default, you can customize the format in which your employees' email addresses are saved in Lucca.
In the Employees > Settings > Default values menu (you need to have the "Manage default values" permission for the Employees application):
Setting up email address format template(s)
You can add as many policies as you need by clicking on "Configuration".
Give your policy a name, enter the email address format using the tags available (we'll add more information about this below), then save your policy.
Available formats and tags
There isn't a code for having "all characters"; you can enter the number 100 to include all characters from the first name or last name.
The first "n" alphabetical characters from the first name without accents.
For example, with the tag {firstName(1)}, the email address will contain the first letter of the employee's first name in the email address generated
The first "n" alphabetical characters from the last name without accents.
For example, with the tag {lastName(100)}, up to 100 characters of the employee's last name will be used in the email address generated
The "x" first alphabetical characters from the first name without accents also containing "-" if included
For example, with the tag {firstNameWithDash(100)}, the email address generated will contain up to 100 characters from the employee's first name (with hyphens included, for double-barreled first names)
As above, but applying to last names that include hyphens.
If the email address exists, the tag will be replaced with an incremental number to make it unique.
For example, if a Joe Smith is hired after a Julie Smith, Joe will get as the email address generated to avoid a duplicate.
You can combine tags together:
For example: {firstName(1)}.{lastName(100)} will display the first letter of the employee's first name, a period, then their last name written out (up to 100 characters), and the rest of the domain name selected (in this case,
Associating the corresponding email address policy with your establishments
You can set up different email address formats for different countries.
For example, for Spanish establishments, the email addresses could end with and for French establishments, they could end with
Automatically generating a new email address when an employee is created
When a new employee is created, the "email address" data item will automatically be filled out in a format that complies with the policy defined for the establishment concerned.