Before starting
Poplee Engagement allows you to view survey results in various ways. The results are available according to your role and they comply with our confidentiality criteria.
Please note: Information on respondents (department, establishment, occupation category, etc.) corresponding to the status of the HR file when the survey was sent. For past surveys, changes may have been made (departures, transfers, etc.)
Viewing the detailed results
You can view the results of a survey directly from the "Analyze" section of your "Surveys" module.
By clicking on the survey to be analyzed, you will be able to view the results, question by question, the scores, and the associated comments.
In order to provide more context on the average score per question, an inter-company benchmark is available for all administrators who have agreed to anonymously communicate the average score for their question.
Under each score question, you can see the average score from other companies using Poplee Engagement, as well as the positive or negative difference compared to your company’s average score, shown in brackets.
This benchmark only works with questions from the Poplee Engagement question library: it is not available for personalized questions. It can be deactivated from the application settings accessible via the menu.
From this interface, it is also possible to initiate a confidential conversation in order to react to an anonymous comment left by an employee about either a score or an open question.
Exporting the results and comments
On this "Detailed results" tab, you can export:
- All of the comments in .xlsx format
- A detailed PowerPoint summary to communicate the survey results and add your messages to your employees and/or management.
The comparison dashboard segments the results and displays them visually, so that you can identify both strengths and areas requiring attention between the groups.
The heat map displays the results according to ten segments, with data taken from each employee’s HR file:
- Department
- Establishment
- Manager
- Sector/Job/Qualification
- Contract
- Is owner
- Gender
- Occupation category
- Seniority
- Age group
This webinar will cover:
- Our advice for efficiently analyzing the results of a pulse survey (indicators, comments, teams)
- The different debriefing levels and methods (team, department, company)
- Feedback from Antoine De Baets, Lucca HR Business Partner (his best practices and the obstacles encountered)