Open the results in Poplee Engagement

This help sheet concerns the new version of Poplee Engagement deployed from September 2023 for everyone. If you would like to view the online help for Poplee Engagement - formerly Bloom at Work - you can go here.

Before you get started

Poplee Engagement allows you to view survey results in various ways. In each interface, the results are available depending on your role, and respect our privacy criteria.

Please note: Information on respondents (department, establishment, occupation category, etc.) corresponding to the status of the HR file when the survey was sent. For past surveys, changes may have been made (departures, transfers, etc.)

Summary of campaign results

This interface allows you to consult the indicators calculated on all the surveys of a campaign.

Three indicators are available:

The average of the campaign's goal question
The average response rate
The average of the answers to the questions broken down by pillar

Full results

This page allows you to open the breakdown of results question by question as well as the associated comments.

For each question, there are three tabs:

The Answers tab explains the breakdown of answers (only for scale type questions)

The comment tab displays all the comments sorted by score


From this interface, it is possible to open a confidential conversation.

The progress tab displays the progress (average and breakdown) of a question asked several times in the campaign.

Export answers and comments

On this "Detailed answers" tab, you can export answers to questions in Powerpoint format and comments in Excel format.

Here are some details on exporting answers in Powerpoint format:

Answers to "Open" type questions do not appear, as the solution cannot summarize these answers, unlike a ladder type answer.

Heat map

The heat map splits up the results and provides a visual representation so that you can identify the strengths and areas for improvement between groups.

The heat map displays the results according to 10 segments, and the data come from the HR file of each employee:

  • Department
  • Establishment
  • Owner
  • Sector/Job/Qualification
  • Contract
  • Is owner
  • Gender
  • Occupation category

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