Before getting started
Do you give your employees performance bonuses based on the achievement of their quarterly or yearly goals? You can directly enter performance bonuses in our Pagga Compensation solution, based on the progress of goals in Poplee Performance.
An automation process between the two solutions is in the pipeline. If you haven't subscribed to Pagga Compensation yet, you can find information on it in your Lucca Solutions space or you can contact a sales agent to arrange a demo:
1/ Setting performance goals in Poplee Performance and Goals
Firstly, set the performance goal via the Goals module. Discover how to create a new personal goal for an employee, along with our tips on teaching your managers to set effective goals.
Will certain goals have more influence than others on triggering the performance bonus or on its amount? Here is how you can activate and administrate the weighting of the goals for all employees
2/ Tracking and freezing goal progression
Depending on the permissions granted (Cog wheel > Roles > Poplee Performance), employees and managers will be able to increase the progress percentage of their goals during their follow-up reviews:
At the end of the period, freeze the goals via your quarterly, half-yearly or annual review campaign:
3/ Calculating the bonus amount according to the achievement of goals
Exporting the details of the goals as they were at the time of the reviews via the campaign export. Calculating bonus amounts according to the progress percentage of goals.
4/ Entering performance bonuses in Pagga Compensation
Once the bonus amount has been calculated, enter it in Pagga Compensation. If you haven't already done so, create a “performance bonus” type of variable remuneration. See our help sheet Setting up variable remuneration items (VRI)
There are several possible scenarios:
- you can decentralize data entry to other Lucca users(e.g. managers): The approval workflow for variable remuneration items in Pagga Compensation
- you can enter bonuses one by one:Adding a variable remuneration item (VRI) from the individual situation sheet
- you can enter bonuses en masse: Add variable remuneration items (VRI) from the “VRI” collective view or Import variable remuneration items (VRI) en masse over a period
5/ Transferring bonus amounts to the payroll manager
Several options are available:
- you generate an export file in the format of your payroll software from Pagga Compensation:Generate periodic remuneration exports that you then send to your payroll manager
you transmit the VRIs entered over the last period to your payroll administrator via the Payroll Assistant.
- If you have not subscribed to the SILAE connector, see our help sheet I have Pagga Compensation and would like to generate remuneration exports from Pagga Payroll Assistant.
- If you are subscribed to the SILAE connector, please consult this help sheet instead: Preparing your monthly payroll
- Do you run your payroll with SILAE and would like to know more about the SILAE connector? you can find out more information about it in your Lucca Space and contact a sales representative for a demonstration: