Can I view Poplee Core HR data on my mobile device?

You may be interested in viewing information from Poplee Core HR on your smartphone.

The PCHR mobile app is no longer maintained and some versions for Android and iOS are no longer compatible. Therefore, the app is no longer available on the Play Store and the App Store.

To access Poplee Core HR via your mobile device, we recommend using the responsive version (web version) that delivers a better user experience in any browser. The interface has been fully adapted and you'll find the data in a readable format.

Here are some of the other advantages offered by this responsive version:

  • The information displayed will be the same as that in the Who's who, so you can customize it;
  • Remote working will no longer be considered to constitute an absence;
  • The search is more advanced and you have more filter options in the responsive version (filter by department and/or establishment);
  • The responsive interface is quicker, more stable, and regularly updated

For easy access to it, you can create a direct shortcut to the Who's who in just a few clicks, via the page's "share" icon:

  • On iOS, this is a square with an arrow pointing upward 
  • On Android, this is a circle with dots

Next, click on "Add to home screen", enter a name, and you're all done!

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