Understanding how campaigns, surveys and questions work

This help sheet applies to the redesign of Poplee Engagement which will be deployed in the coming months. If you wish to open the online help for the current version you can go here.

Before you get started

Poplee Engagement uses the concepts of campaigns, surveys and questions. They are explained in this article.

A campaign is a series of surveys with a specific goal for improvement, that is directed at a target population or not. There can be several campaigns running in parallel.

A survey contains a list of questions. The final question in a survey is always the same. It is used to track whether the campaign goal has been attained. The other questions can be edited by the manager as they choose.

The campaigns

A campaign is a series of surveys with a specific goal for improvement, that is directed at a target population or not. There can be several campaigns running in parallel.

The owner of a campaign (the user who created the campaign) must define:

  • Their goal: one sentence that clarifies the goal of my campaign. Example: Monitoring the workload
  • The goal-tracking question: one question that will be asked in every campaign survey. Example: My current workload suits me
  • Target population: by criteria (departments, management) or manually by entering a user list.
  • The population that has to be notified of the results: By default, the campaign manager(s) and the manager(s) of the participants in the campaign.

The administrator of a campaign can define the following:

  • One or more joint managers

The surveys

A survey is always part of a campaign. A survey consists of:

  • A survey email and a reminder email:
    • The email notifies the participants of the campaign goal for the survey, as well as the time frame within which they have to respond
    • The first question of the survey is in the email
  • A series of questions
    • The final question of a survey is always the goal-tracking question.
  • The Bloom send page. This is a peer-to-peer recognition feature to send a positive message (thank you, well done, etc.) to a colleague

The questions

A question can be open (free text answer) or closed (answer: choice of a score from 1 to 5 + option to add a free text comment).

It is always possible to skip a question.

The goal-tracking question of the campaign is always at the bottom of the survey. This is a closed question the wording of which can be edited in the campaign settings as long as no survey has been sent.

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