Task of a Pagga Compensation administrator

Before you get started

As a Pagga Compensation administrator, you have occasional and recurring tasks to perform. You will find the details of these tasks below. 

Add a fixed remuneration item

When there is a change of pay, it must be updated in the individual situation of the employee. You must select the employee (1), then add a new amount in "Fixed part" (2)

A type, e.g. base salary, new total, etc., as well as a start date must be specified.

If a new value for a current remuneration item is entered, Pagga Compensation will prompt you to automatically log the old value by generating its valid-to date.

For an employee, it is not possible to save 2 identical remuneration items with overlapping validity dates.

Add a variable item

When an employee receives a variable item, it must be specified in the individual situation of the employee. You must select the employee (1), then add a new amount in "Variable part" (2)


The month concerned by the variable, the type of the variable and the amount of the variable must be specified. Comments are optional.

It is quite possible to enter a future period in advance, but this variable will be visible on the personal situation before this period.

As with the fixed items, entering two identical VRI types for an employee over the same period is not permitted.


Import variable items in bulk over a period

When you have a large number of variables to enter, it is convenient to be able to import the information in bulk. To do this from the VRI module, you can access the import screen:


From there, after having chosen the period when the import is to be done, simply download the matrix to be completed which contains the information about the employees and the types of the variable. Once it is complete, you can copy the table from Excel, then with a "right click paste", import it into Pagga Compensation.



Submitting variable items in place of another employee

You may be required to make a submission for an employee in the context of their absence. The "Submitter" menu of the "Monthly submission" tab allows you to choose the employee for whom you are making the submission. 

The rules of the approval circuit will apply as if the initial submitter had made the submission, while the log will record that you made the submission on behalf of another submitter.


Tracking the submitters

This screen is used to monitor the progress of the monthly submissions over the current period. In this way, you can see if the managers have made their submission this month or not.

The following two actions are then available to you: 

  • Send an individual reminder to the manager
  • Access to the submission and submitting on their behalf (cf: previous part)


Approving variable items in place of another employee

You may be required to make an approval for an employee in the context of their absence. The "Approver" menu of the "Approval" tab allows you to choose on whose behalf you are validating the variables. 

Details of this action will be recorded in the history of the variable proposal approval circuit.


Organizing salary review campaigns

The salary review campaign is a collective, annual or periodic procedure designed to review and adjust employee remuneration levels within the company.

You can go to the salary review tab to create your campaign with the help of the parameter-setting wizard. For more information on this module, please consult this help sheet.


Creating reports

The reports provided can be used to question the development of the annual fixed pay or the detailed breakdown of the fixed and variable pay.


The report on actual pay is used to cross-check the pay details with the HR data of the employee's file.

Unlike the exports, the reports are not meant to be communicated to payroll

Exporting remuneration items to payroll

Using exports, you can transfer to your payroll all the VRIs which you entered for the period and that you are going to export as well as all the corrections that you have made since the last export for the previous periods.

In the Export menu, click on the export settings to access the details of the VRIs to be exported.


The next period to be exported is automatically proposed and the changes in fixed or variable remuneration over the period or since the last export are highlighted.


Four files are generated: 

  • Export of the VRIs over the period in the format of the payroll software;
  • Export of VRI corrections and delays in the payroll software format;
  • The summary of edited FRIs over the period;
  • A turn-around file that summarizes the important details of the export for the payroll manager.

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