Before getting started
Poplee Engagement produces aggregated results for each survey.
This help sheet explains how the data displayed in the results interface are calculated.
Main indicators
Population displayed
By default, you view the results for all of the employees in your scope that can be displayed (as defined by your permissions). You can display a sub-section of this scope by filtering by department, using the dedicated selector.
The population displayed refers to all the employees whose results you are currently viewing (your entire scope, or a sub-section if you have filtered it on a department).
E.g. The "Lyon office relocation" survey was sent to the 35 employees in Lyon whose results you can view. You filter on the "Marketing" department, which contains ten people, eight of whom are in Lyon. You therefore display a population of eight people.
Response rate
- Number of respondents: All those from the population displayed who responded to at least one of the survey questions (e.g. 80 people)
- Number of people surveyed: All those from the population displayed to whom the survey was sent (e.g. 100 people)
Question average
This indicator is the arithmetic average score for all scale-type questions in the survey for the population displayed.
Question details
The average score for a scale question
- Responses to the question: Values chosen by respondents to the question concerned in the population displayed.
- Number of responses: Number of respondents to the question concerned in the population displayed.
NB: Questions in the same survey may have a different number of respondents.
E.g. Six people responded to question 1, seven people responded to question 2. For the average for question 1, we divide the total of the scores by six, but for question 2, we divide by seven.
Percentage obtained by a score for scale questions, or by a choice for MCQs
Number of responses: This is the number of respondents to the question concerned in the population displayed.
E.g. for question 1:
- Two people gave a score of 1
- Three people gave 2
- One person gave 5
A score of 2 was chosen by 50% of respondents (3 / 6 x 100), a score of 1 was chosen by 33% and a score of 5 by 17%.
Averages per pillar
Only the results of "Scale"-type questions are reported in this average.