Before getting started
With Poplee Engagement, we want you to be able to confidentially share your feedback on your employee satisfaction with your employer.
In order to create the best conditions for this, here are the answers to some of the questions that are asked most often, to show you how we guarantee the confidentiality of your responses at all times during the Poplee Engagement experience.
Privacy rules for everyone
Our privacy criteria apply to all Poplee Engagement users (user, manager, HR, Lucca help desk). These rules are the same for all our clients and ensure that people with access to the results cannot identify the person responding.
How is data displayed in Poplee Engagement?
Poplee Engagement results are always displayed for a group of people (e.g. a department). They are displayed in an aggregated form and we do not allow filtering to view one or more particular individuals.
The following information is shared:
- The population being surveyed
- The participation rate
- The distribution of user answers for each question
For each comment, we only display the comment and the score.
Who can read my answers?
As for all Lucca solutions, access to the Poplee Engagement interfaces is configurable via the user's role. As such, the people who can access your answers can vary from one company to the next.
However, some people always have access to the results; we have recommendations and viewing is limited by the privacy criteria.
- The person who created the campaign and those defined as co-administrators will always have access to the results for all participants.
- Depending on their role, some people can have access to the results for a more restricted scope of users. In general, we advise you to give managers access to the results for their team.
- In all cases, we limit the possibility of viewing the results through our privacy criteria.
If there are only two of us who responded to the survey or I am alone in my department, it is easy to identify us.
The privacy criteria apply in both cases and your responses cannot be traced back to you. In each case, the results of your department will not be displayed. The results of a more global department (containing more people) must be displayed in order to access the information.
By filtering between different departments, I can easily cross-reference the information to see who answered in what way.
The privacy criteria ensure that there is a difference of at least three people between your department and your parent department. Your answers are therefore mixed in with those of other people.
Can I filter the detailed results by establishment or by manager?
Currently, we allow the results to be analyzed for a single scope: that of the departments and not the establishments. Confidentiality would be compromised if we were to offer multiple scopes, since this would allow overlaps. Our primary concern is the confidentiality of the answers provided.
Should I be careful when I leave a comment or answer an open question?
For the comments, as for the scores, we do not share your identity. However, remember that your comments will be read by people who know you, so do not write things that could allow them to identify you if you do not want this to happen.
- If you are the only one working on a project right now, do not name the project, because it would be easy to figure out that it's you.
- If you are the only woman on a team, use gender-neutral expressions: "After my maternity leave" would easily identify you.
My manager responded to my comment; does this mean they know who I am?
During the discussions on comments, we act as an interface between you and your manager to protect your identity and will never share it with them.
You can respond to them with complete confidence