How to activate review recommendation permissions

To activate recommendations you must have the "Create, manage rules and view associated review recommendations” permission. This permission will let you create a rule and view the recommendations associated with it.

The created rule will apply to all employees (who respond to the rule filters), but you will only see recommendations for employees for whom you can create a review (those who are within the scope of your Create a campaign and administer the campaigns whose owner is within the scope permission)

To do this, click settings, select the Roles tab, then expand the permissions associated with the Poplee Performance admin role.

In your company you may have HR assistant profiles who need to have access to rules settings and the associated review recommendations, without having the permission to create and edit a rule. For these profiles, activate the "View rules-based review recommendations" permission.

Administrators with this permission will only see recommendations for employees for whom they can create a review (those who are within the scope of their Create a campaign and administer the campaigns whose owner is within the scope permission)

If you want the recommendation engine to take your previous reviews outside Poplee Performance into account, activate the Import review history permission. For more information click here

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