Import review dates

Before you get started

If you want to use the recommendations from Poplee Performance, you may need to import a review date history so that the recommendation engine takes it into account in its calculations. 

‍♀️ Important to know: the import only concerns dates, it is not possible to import the content of the review. 

In order to be able to import review dates, you must have the "Import a history of reviews" permission which is available in the role permissions.

Steps to follow

Complete the file import template

Retrieve the import file that is ready to be filled in (Download the template). This is the complete format, with all the information that you can import on the reviews.

Please note that these files must be in the CSV (UTF-8 encoding) or ANSI format.  The formats have some problems with uppercase letters. If your file is not accepted, check that your login details are indeed in lowercase (in your file and on the database). 

  • Fill in the columns of the import file.



    • Login (mandatory): corresponds to the user login entered in their HR/employee sheet file
    • Campaign Name (mandatory): corresponds to the name of the review campaign. 
    • Campaign Category (mandatory): corresponds to the review category. Here are the available categories
      • AnnualReview
      • ProfessionalReview
      • CareerReview
      • FixedWorkingDaysReview
      • LongTermLeaveReturnReview
      • EndOfMissionReview
      • AmazementReport
      • EndOfTrialPeriodReview
      • EndOfContractReview
      • Survey
      • GoalsReview
      • Quarterly
      • Biannual
      • FollowUpOfMissionReview
      • SixAnnual
      • Other
  • Review Date (mandatory) = the date of the review in MM/DD/YYYY format
  • Reviewer Login (optional)= the login details of the reviewer (only if it is a person present on your Lucca database). 


Import file

  1. Go to the "Reviews" "Settings" tab
  2. Upload the file containing the reviews to be imported
  3. If necessary, correct errors using the messages that you will get in the event of an anomaly. Test the import again once the file has been edited
  4. Find the imported reviews in the "my reviews" tab of the different employees. 


‍♀️ Important to know: the imported dates are not covered in the employee's HR file


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