Import training courses into the catalog

Before you get started

When you first roll out Poplee Training, or during the year, you need to import new training courses into your catalog.

To do this, you need to download the import file in your language and then you must follow the instructions below to complete it.

(FR) Import du catalogue / (EN) Catalog Import / (ES) Importación del catálogo / (DE) Import Katalog

This import is used to create new training courses in draft status and new organizations, but not to update existing training courses or organizations.

Steps to follow

If your rollout of Poplee Training is complete, we recommend carrying out an initial test on your test database before proceeding with the “real” import. A file can contain a maximum of 500 trainings, so you will need to make several files if you have more.

Complete the file import template

Please note that the import file must remain in Excel format and the structure of the file must not be modified. (The header contains two lines) 

Fill in the columns of the import file, using the table below as a guide: 

Column Mandatory data for import? Expected format Comment
Training title Yes 250 characters max Please note: for the same organization, two training courses cannot have the same title
Type of training Yes Value from the following list:
- Internal
- External
Training URL No Valid URL (example of a valid URL: ) Website with training details
Training category No

Value from the following list: The categories in the training catalog

List of categories cannot be modified
Level No

Value from the following list: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert

List of levels cannot be modified
Duration (hours) No Positive decimal  
Number of places per session Yes Positive integer  
Organization name Yes 250 characters max  
Organization URL No Valid URL (example of a valid URL: ) This link displays the organization’s logo in the catalog
Summary No 1,000 characters max Mandatory for publication in the catalog.
Text formatting is not imported; it must be done once the import is complete.
Detailed description No 6,000 characters max


250 characters max Location of training course if classroom-based
Video conference link No Valid URL (example of a valid URL: ) Link to connect if the training course is a distance learning course (optional, as this link can be completed afterwards via the session)
Mandatory training ? No Value from the following list: 0 ; 1

0 = No/1 = Yes
Indicate whether training has enabled compliance with legal requirements.

Certifying training? No Value from the following list: 0 ; 1

0 = No/1 = Yes

Validity period of the training course No

Positive integer

Fill in only if there is a validity period (do not put “0” if there is none)
Fixed projected costs


Positive number with a maximum of two decimal places E.g., 1000,00
Estimated cost per participant No Positive number with a maximum of two decimal places E.g., 1000,00
Currency of projected costs No

Value from the following list: currency code in circulation by country according to international standard ISO 4217

Mandatory if a cost has been entered,
e.g. EUR, USD

Import file

  1. Go to the tab "Administration" "Settings" "Import training courses"
  2. Upload the file containing the training courses and organizations to be imported
    Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 15.20.26.png
  3. If necessary, correct errors using the messages that you will get in the event of an anomaly. Test the import again once the file has been edited.
  4. Check that the right training courses have been imported by going to "Administration" "Training".

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