Before getting started
If you have heard of the Time Savings Account, but are not yet familiar with the concept, this help sheet is for you. Principle and method of calculation, settings and monitor in Timmi Absences, find out how to be in compliance with the Time Savings subject.
In Timmi Absences you will be able to create time savings campaigns in order to follow the transfers of employees that meet the criteria of participation and saving each year. The use of this module is included in your Timmi Absences subscription.
- What is the Time Savings Account? (CET)
- Activate the Time Savings Campaign module
- Configure a time savings campaign
- Monitor time savings campaigns
- Participate in a time savings campaign
What is Time Savings?
The time savings account is a system that has existed since 1994, it was created in order to improve employee participation in companies. More specifically, it is the employer's responsibility to set it up to allow their employees to benefit from advantages linked to the days not taken.
The Time Savings Account allows employees to accumulate entitlements to paid leave or to receive remuneration (immediate or deferred) in return for leave or rest days not taken.
The employee can save days in the time savings account to benefit from them later:
- to submit a request for the saved time savings account days
- to receive remuneration for the time savings account days saved
- at their request and in agreement with their employer, to complete their remuneration or to gradually stop their activity
For example, the employee can save:
- Days of unused leave from the 5th week of leave
- Additional days of leave for extra days for splitting paid leave, or from conventional entitlements
- Rest days not taken (like Comp days for example)
- Overtime
Since its creation, it has undergone many changes, notably in favor of retirement, since an employee can use their time savings account for an employee savings or retirement plan.
Is it mandatory?
The time savings account is not mandatory for companies: it is the company's convention or a company agreement that determines the availability of the time savings account, sets the conditions for its allocation and also its use (taking the transferred entitlements or remuneration).
Similarly, time savings are not an obligation for employees: they can decide not to save their unused leave entitlements. The company cannot impose time savings.
However, if you have set up a Time Savings Campaign, it is mandatory
- to inform your new employees at the time of hiring that a Time Savings Campaign is available to them, and give them the information with its conditions.
- to make a copy of the agreement available at the workplace and on the intranet (updated) that covers the Time Savings Account in place.
What are the procedures for transferring and using the Time Savings Account?
The terms of transfer and use of the Time Savings Account are freely determined by the Company agreement or convention. The company must provide:
- The conditions for contributing to the Time Savings Account (at the initiative of the employees).
- The conditions for contributing (at the initiative of the company).
- Management methods (eligible population, participation period, etc.)
- Conditions of use, capping and transfer of the Time Savings Account
When the employment contract is terminated, the employee and the company must agree on the method of releasing the entitlements acquired on the Time Savings Account, either by paying financial compensation to the employee, or by transferring the entitlements to another employer or to a Caisse de consignation*.
Activating the Time Savings Campaign module
To activate the module, go to the Roles module from the cog wheel icon.
If you do not have access to the roles module, please contact a general administrator within your company or alternatively contact the Lucca Customer help desk.
Access to the module is restricted to two permissions in the roles:
- Participate in time savings campaigns (for users): it allows you to see the Time Savings entry and to directly access the current campaigns to participate in them.
- Monitoring time savings campaigns (for administrators or managers): it gives access to two sub-menus, one to follow the progress of the campaigns and the other to make transfers for employees (by overriding the campaign conditions).
Setting up a time savings campaign
You can set up the time savings campaigns and their participation rules and transfer in Timmi Absences so that Timmi Absences can identify the employees eligible for participation and then allowing or refusing them to transfer days, according to the terms and conditions of your company.
The campaigns are to be set up for each year and are not automatically updated the following year. It will be necessary to duplicate and update the campaigns for the next few years as an administrator.
To set up the time savings campaigns, you can view this help sheet.
Monitoring time savings campaigns
Once the time savings campaigns have been set up, you will be able to follow the campaign in detail: Timmi Absences detects the eligible people who have not participated, as well as those who have already participated with the amounts transferred, and also those who have given up their participation.
To find out more about the available monitoring features in the time savings campaigns, you can view this help sheet.
Participating in a time savings campaign
You and your employees can participate in time savings campaigns from the Time Savings tab.
For more information, you can view this help sheet.