Managing part-time medical leave

Before getting started

This help page explains how to manage part-time medical leave on Timmi Absences. 

There are two options:

Option 1: Create a part-time work cycle.

With regard to part-time work for medical reasons, the French labor law requires an amendment to the employment contract to record the transition to part-time work and edit the working time. 

To do this, go to the work cycle module and click on "new cycle":

If the person’s contract is hourly, choose a cycle in hours and part-time mode:

Delete the hours on unworked time entries and mark them as "part-time" = PT:

Then assign this work cycle to the employee via their HR file.

With this option, exporting a "part-time medical" absence will not be possible. However, the employee will be able to enter paid leave or other absences on the Request page.

Option 2: Enter an absence in Schedule management

You can also enter days for part-time medical leave on the schedule via a dedicated account: Enter an employee's absences.

This option is used to export the leave account to payroll. However, it will not be possible to enter other absences during the same period (two separate absences cannot both fall on the same date).

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