Timmi Office notifications

Before you get started

Timmi Office is Lucca's new remote working and flex office management solution. This sheet describes the notifications and their behavior on third party applications.

Choice of notification channels

In the Planning view --> Preferences it is possible to select / unselect one or more communication channels. You must select at least one notification channel. You must select at least one notification channel. If no Slack or Microsoft Teams integration is set up on your database, the notification channel will default to email (not editable). 

  • Email
  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams

Notifications list 

  • Weekly entry reminder: if a day of the following week is not filled, a reminder is sent to the employee on Friday at 3 p.m.
  • Daily entry reminder: Monday at 8:30 am for the same day if not already filled in, then at 4 pm for the following day. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 4pm for the following day.
  • Approval request: when a request requires a manager's approval, a notification is sent to them.
  • Confirmation of approval/denial: when a request is approved/denied, a notification is sent to the employee that made the request.
  • Work Location entered on behalf of an employee: when an admin/manager enters a workplace for an employee, the employee receives a notification.

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