Manage the position of signatures on a document

Before getting started

Since signatures need to be affixed in very specific places, and it is sometimes difficult to know exactly where to sign on a document, we have added the option of defining the position of all signatures on your documents.

New features at the time of signing

When a signatory opens the document to sign it, they will see a yellow box that says "Click to sign". This is now the one and only place on the document where the signatory can click to sign.

Also, when the signatory clicks on the yellow "Fill out" button in the top right-hand corner of the interface, it automatically scrolls to the place in the document where the signatory needs to sign.


Preparing documents to define signature positions

To define the position of the signatures, you need to prepare your documents in a very specific way. First, open your MS Office (.docx/.dotx) or OpenOffice (.odt/.ott) text document.

In your text document, write the string SIGNATURE1 where the various signatures are to be affixed. The number 1 will incrementally increase for each additional signatory (see example below).

When signing, the yellow "Click to sign" box will be positioned slightly below and to the right of this character string.


  • Write SIGNATURE1 where the first signatory is to sign.
  • Write SIGNATURE2 where the second signatory is to sign.
  • Etc.


To prevent these character strings (SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, etc.) from appearing on your final documents, simply change their color to white when preparing your text documents.


Be careful when creating a signature request with multiple signatories!

If you want to manage the position of signatures on your text document, we advise you to add signatories in the order in which you want them to sign.


  • The person you specify as Signatory 1 in Core HR will be assigned the signature box defined by the character string SIGNATURE1 in your text document. 
  • The person you specify as Signatory 2 in Core HR will be assigned the signature box defined by the character string SIGNATURE2 in your text document.
  • Etc.

In short, if the signatories are not added in the right order, the signatures will not be affixed in the right places.



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