Timmi Office integrations with Teams, Slack, Outlook or Google Calendar

Before you get started

Timmi Office is Lucca's remote work and flex office management solution. This page describes the integrations available in Timmi Office and how to install them independently.

The different types of integrations

Timmi Office supports 2 types of integrations with 4 separate software packages: 

  • To add the workplace (remote or on-site working) to your Microsoft Outlook calendar or Google Calendar
  • To automatically remind employees to enter their remote working and on-site days via Slack or Microsoft Teams

Setting up the integrations

These integrations require administrator permissions in the tools in question. If you don’t have these permissions, don’t worry, you can finish setting this up later by granting access to an IT administrator.

Go to Timmi Office, to the Settings tab then Integrations to connect your tools to Timmi Office. 

Google Calendar

In the Google Admin console, on the Manage domain-wide delegation page, click on Add.

Enter the following information, requested in the Google integration insert from Timmi Office:

  • Client ID
  • OAuth authorization 

Click on Authorize

In Timmi Office, click on Connect at the bottom of the procedure window to create the integration.


You should then see a Calendar integration.

Microsoft Outlook

With an Outlook/Office 365 admin account, click on Connect in the Outlook insert in the integrations list. A pop-up opens asking you to allow Lucca to access users' calendars. You must allow this and then you will be redirected to the integration page. You should then see a Calendar integration.


Note: Calendar synchronization creates all-day events with the workplace as the title. If calendar privacy means other employees are not allowed to see event titles, then they will not be able to see workplaces in Outlook.

Microsoft Teams

With an Outlook/Office 365 admin account, click on Connect in the Teams insert in the integrations list. A pop-up opens asking you to allow Lucca to access Teams. You must allow this and then you will be redirected to the integration page. You should then see a Reminder integration.


The Teams integration currently only offers entry reminders on Fridays at 3pm, for employees who have not filled in the entire following week. There is no notification if employees have filled in the following week.

The integration will soon have the following notifications: approval requests, confirmations and refusals.


After clicking on the Connect button in the Slack insert, on the next screen, you must allow Lucca to post messages in Slack. These access rights are necessary for integration to function properly.



After authorizing the connection, you will be redirected to Timmi Office. You should then see a Reminder integration.




To have more reminders, in addition to not having filled in the following week, the "Enter the workplace" permission must be in the "User” scope. If some users, such as managers for example, need to have a wider scope (for example supervised employees or all departments), then this permission ALSO needs to be in the User scope to be taken into account for reminder recipients.



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