Indicating your workplace with Timmi Office

Before you get started

Timmi Office is Lucca's remote work and flex office management solution. This page describes the main features for entering your workplace and finding out other employees' workplaces.

General information

Timmi Office offers two views for employees: 

  • main view, which focuses on searching for and entering your own workplace
  • schedule view, which lets you view the workplace of an entire department (or several departments)

These two views can also be used on smartphones and tablets. The Timmi Office iOS and Android mobile app is now available in beta. Contact us to find out more.

Entering your workplace in one click

Timmi Office lets you tell colleagues where you are working from in two ways: 

  • in one click, using your typical week, which should be entered beforehand in your preferences (top right);
  • or day by day.


If a site is divided into zones, as in the example of Paris above, you can choose the zone in question in the next step. A zone corresponds to a shared office, an open space, or even a small floor.


Entering the workplace from the office maps

For this feature to be available, you must first set up the office maps.

From the schedule, select the date, then the office, then click on "choose on map".

You can select your zone from the map (free zones are shown in blue, occupied zones in red), or from the drop-down list. This also displays the capacity and people present in each zone.

Adding a comment when entering the workplace

When entering their workplace, users can add a comment by clicking the Union.png icon.

The user can change the comment at any time as long as the workplace is editable. By default, the comment is visible to the user concerned, the manager, and the administrators, but it is possible to check the option "make my comment public".

A pastille.png notification badge indicates that one or more comments have been added. In the schedule view you can also view any comments by hovering over the workplace with the mouse.

Entering the workplace for another employee

In role management you can edit the scope of the "Enter the workplace" permission. We recommend giving the scope "All departments" to administrators only, and if necessary "Supervised employees" to managers. 

Viewing my colleagues' workplace

Clicking on the "Where are your colleagues?" button at the bottom of the page takes you to the schedule view. By default it is filtered on your department, but you can change the filter. It is stored for your next visit.


You can still enter your workplace in the schedule view, which is very handy when accounting for your team before making a decision.

Request approval

Depending on the set up and your remote working charter, you can limit the number of days entered per week, per month or per year. Once the limit is reached, requests over the limit are submitted for approval by the manager (notification by email and soon by Slack and Teams).

A remote working day pending approval appears in white with a blue outline.


On the left, approved. On the right, pending.

By default, remote working days entered within the limits are not subject to approval.


Occupancy tracking, flex office and overbooking

If the various workplaces have the capacity entered, then it is possible to track occupancy. This is the case, for example, if you use flex office.

When you enter data, you can see the occupancy of the various sites directly in the interface.


When a site is full, you can still enter your attendance, but an alert is displayed asking you to confirm this. It is your responsibility to make the necessary arrangements if you need a place. We know that there are many special cases, which is why the entry is not blocked. Employees who overbook are visible in the detailed view of those present on each site.

You can see the occupancy of the various sites at a glance by clicking on "View site occupancy", in the main view or the schedule view.


Clicking on the occupancy for a given day takes you to the details of the employees on site that day, with their department, establishment and zone (if the site is divided into zones).


Entry reminders

If you use Slack or Microsoft Teams, a weekly reminder is sent on Fridays at 3pm, if you have not filled in all or part of the following week.

If you do not see a reminder, let your HR manager know, as the integration with Slack or Teams may not be set up.


Calendar display

Your workplace uploads to your Google or Outlook calendar if the integration has been set up. This is especially handy for scheduling your upcoming appointments. If you do not see these events, speak to your HR manager.



Other features are currently being developed and will be rolled out in 2024. Submit your ideas to our product portal.

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