Managing workplaces

Before you get started

Timmi Office is Lucca's remote work and flex office management solution. This page describes how to set up the various workplaces available to employees.

The various types of workplace

Timmi Office lets you manage three types of workplace: 

  • remote working
  • the sites 
  • other locations outside the office: travel, training etc.

Each workplace can be made available to employees or not. If a workplace is unavailable to employees, then it can't be entered on the schedule.

Remote working

Timmi Office offers only one choice for remote working. This is particularly useful for companies that distinguish between regular and occasional remote working. With remote working profiles (see the help sheet on the rules), you can exclude workplaces for certain profiles. The “excluded workplaces” setting is used to establish the workplace(s) that the employee will not be able to enter on their schedule.
Example: the employee cannot enter “fixed remote working” if they only work remotely occasionally.


The sites correspond to the various physical offices and buildings. The easiest way is to use the name of the city if you have only one site in the city, otherwise the name of the district, street or building. Timmi Office is particularly useful in cases where you have employees spread across multiple sites, with mobility between sites.

Each site can be customized with: 
  • a color
  • a capacity (optional)
  • a site manager (optional)
  • zones (optional)
  • floors (optional, unless you set up entries in office maps)



Capacity: site capacity is not mandatory. If left blank, employees are shown only the number of people on site. This means there is no overbooking management since the site will never be full. 
Site manager: no current impact, but we plan to offer a specific dashboard for the site manager, and notifications, in a future release.
Zones: if the site has a capacity of more than 30 spaces and you want to use flex office, it is recommended to divide it into zones to make it easier to search for a free space. A zone corresponds to a shared office, an average size open space, or even a small floor. If you have large open spaces (more than 30 spaces), we suggest dividing it up. Each zone is assigned a capacity. Site capacity is calculated as the total of all the zone capacities.
Floors: to make it easier to find zones, it is recommended to create floors for the site if it has several floors. Floors can then be assigned to each zone.
In advanced options, you can:
- allow comments on this workplace
- authorize or block overbooking

Other locations outside the office

By default, in addition to remote working, we offer travel management. The aim is to let your employees indicate when they are traveling, so that their colleagues are aware that they probably cannot be reached and are not in the office. Travel is managed like remote working with full or half-day attendance.
You will soon be able to add as many locations outside the office depending on your needs, such as training.
Using profiles, you can request approval for “other” workplaces. 

Translation of workplaces

Depending on your circumstances, you can translate the names of your workplaces.

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