Lucca / Swan partnership

Before you get started

The payment industry is highly regulated. Managing payment accounts and all the security concerns that go with it means that you need to be authorized, and this process can be complex and costly.

Cleemy Payment relies on an approved partner to provide payment services: Swan.

Who is Swan?

Swan is a company that provides a platform to third parties like Lucca that enables them to offer payment services. Founded in 2019 by Nicolas Benady, Nicolas Saison and Mathieu Breton, Swan holds an electronic money institution license, issued by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR).

They raised €16m in 2021 and €37m in 2023, which will enable them to strengthen their development in Europe.

Lucca is MOBSP certified

Lucca is an MOBSP (Mandataire en Opération de Banque et en Service de Paiement). In English, this translates to Authorized Bank and Payment Services Intermediaries. It means that we can offer you a fully integrated experience of our management tools. This certification is essential for us to be able to distribute the services offered by Swan on our platform.

By using our solution, you agree to entrust certain operations to Swan, such as preparing card orders and transfer orders, viewing accounts, etc. All these payment operations can then be carried out directly from your Cleemy Expenses applications.

For you, it's clear

You'll be using Cleemy Expenses branded services, and it will be clear if you’re using any of Swan's services. Please note, however, that sensitive operations such as strong authentication or verification of identity documents will always be carried out by Swan to guarantee a high level of security, as these operations require a special license.

Click here to read our Cleemy Payment Terms and Conditions.

Shared data

When you open an account, you will be asked to share personal details and company data with Swan.

Personal data

  • Name,
  • First Name,
  • Date of birth,
  • Mail,
  • Video of your face,
  • Identity card,

Company details

  • Address and country of the head office,
  • Legal form,
  • SIREN number,
  • Company name,
  • Type of business activity,
  • Three sentences to describe the business,
  • Monthly income expected by the company on the account,
  • Beneficial owners of the company, holding at least 25% of the capital (last name, first name, date of birth, city of birth, postal code of birth, country of birth, type of control exercised).
  • KBIS
  • The company’s articles of association
  • Photo of a beneficial owner's identity card for power of attorney purposes

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