Advanced option for viewing reviews for a campaign owner

Before getting started

For some categories of campaigns, you may need to separate the capacity to launch campaigns from the capacity to view reviews when completed.

We have listed a fewuse scenarios here.

How does this option work?

It is located in the advanced options of the campaign process. It can be used exceptionally to extend the scope of visibility for the reviews in the campaign concerned. In particular, this helps the HR teams where campaigns are prepared by the HRD but are launched and monitored by a member of the team with less responsibility and therefore less visibility on company reviews (including the department heads).

If the “Give access to all reviews in this campaign” option is selected:the person indicated as the campaign owner will be able to consult the review exports, as well as from the “My Reviews” tab.

If the “Use rights defined in roles” option is selected: the campaign owner will be able to launch the campaign, but will not be able to perform analyses and will not be able to access links to reviews, other than those indicated in the scope of the “View reviews of” permission.

Deactivating the advanced option after launching the campaign

You can deactivate this advanced option after the campaign launch (whether it is in progress, closed or archived) via the "Campaign settings" tab.

Please note:

- This option can only be removed and it cannot be added after launch.

- If the option is removed using this button, it will no longer be possible to reapply it.


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