Delegating campaign administration to HR colleagues or managers

Before getting started

Annual or professional review campaigns are generally managed by HR teams, with a single person designated as campaign owner. This can lead to specific needs, such as resolving confidentiality issues linked to existing permissions, or creating campaigns for a given population without having access to all the reviews for that population.

How the campaign creation and administration permission works

The “Create a campaign and administer campaigns whose owner is within the scope” permission has two effects:

1. It is used to create a campaign for employees within perimeter X.
2. It is used to administer launched campaigns whose owner is within the X perimeter.


Maria is a Sales Manager. Permission 1 below enables her to:
- create campaigns for employees in the “Sales Management” department -
administer launched campaigns, for which the campaign owner is in this department

Maria created the “Quarterly Review - Commerce” campaign, appointing HR administrator Daniel Hernandez as campaign owner. However, Daniel belongs to the “Human Resources” department, which is not part of the scope defined in Maria's permission.

Maria will therefore be unable to administer the campaign (add collaborators, close the campaign, analyze results, etc.) once it has been launched. She will only be able to view the reviews of these N-3 supervised employees and of the “Sales Management” department.


How to adjust this permission to launch campaigns, given the constraints in terms of confidentiality

Here are some use scenarios to help:

  • HR Administrators, who may need to change the permission settings while the Product is being used

  • the HR department, which will be able to limit the number of campaigns to be created to cover the entire company for campaigns affecting all employees (switching from several to a single campaign, while maintaining the correct level of confidentiality)

It all comes down to the “Administer a campaign” permission with its associated scope, and the checkbox in the campaign configuration that lets you override this scope:

Role Department Need Role settings

Checkbox for visibility of reviews?

campaign settings side



Wants to see the reviews, but delegates the management to the HR department

Establishment tab:all checked

View reviews from:all departments

HRD - Chief HR Officer

Human resources

Analyzes all the responses, and launches the management role but delegates it

Establishment tab: all checked or its legal entity

View reviews from:all departments

Create a campaign and manage campaigns whose owner is within the scope: all departments

HR Business Partner - UK

Human resources

Manages the follow-up and reminders on certain annual campaigns, but does not have access to management team reviews

Establishment tab: UK or “Employee's establishment”

View reviews from: Specific departments (all except Management)

Create a campaign and manage campaigns whose owner is within the scope: all departments

(management team reviews are launched and monitored by the HRD in a separate campaign)

Yes, on the campaigns delegated to them
Junior HR Operations Specialist - France Human resources Does not have access to their team's reviews, manages reminders only

Establishment tab: FR or “Employee's establishment”

View reviews from: Specific departments (all except Human Resources)

Create a campaign and manage campaigns whose owner is within the scope: Human resources

R&D Director R&D Does not access headquarters campaigns, but can launch them for their department

Establishment tab: “The employee's establishment”

See the reviews of: R&D

Create a campaign and manage campaigns whose owner is within the scope:User

Manager R&D Launches and manages campaigns with their team only, excluding reviews managed by HR

Establishment tab: “The employee's establishment”

View reviews from: Supervised employees

Create a campaign and manage campaigns whose owner is within the scope:User



You are an HR team spread over several legal entities and/or you split campaign management. So you need several admin roles, but also need to respect the confidentiality of each member of the HR team.

The structure at departmental level must first be verified. The HR team leader should be identified as the head of their department and sub-departments should be created for each team member.

This will then allow you to create secondary roles for each hierarchical rank and control visibility through departments (select them all, except those you do not need to see)


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