Evolution of contracts on Poplee Core HR

Before You Begin

The management of contracts in Poplee Core HR is evolving. This feature is being deployed. If you want to activate it today, you can contact our support.

Poplee Core HR evolves the management of contracts by enriching them with new data. These will allow the development of new features: automatic declaration prior to hiring, HR indicators, automatic calculation of trial periods, etc.

These new data are :

  • the contract model,
  • the reason for the contract,
  • the reason for using a fixed-term contract,
  • the end of trial periods (1 and 2),
  • the internship tutor,
  • the reason for breaking the contract.

They are added to the current data (start, end, establishment and CSP) and can be activated according to the contract model, in the dedicated configuration interface: Employees > Settings > Contracts.

In most cases, this new data already exists in the form of custom data to record this information. It will therefore be necessary to migrate to the new data, and to adapt the various settings that may be associated with it.

In the event of an API integration on employee data, please contact Lucca support to analyze the impact of this change.

You can also keep your current configuration. This will not have a major impact on your current operation. It is however preferable to adapt it to benefit from future evolutions when they will be available. Do not hesitate to contact Lucca support if you encounter difficulties, or if you wish to make your modifications in a test base.

1. Set up contract templates

When you create a contract for a collaborator, you will have to define the corresponding contract template. The data to be filled in for this contract will depend on the selected template.

You can create these templates and configure them in the associated configuration module (Collaborators > Settings > Contracts).

A contract template is defined by a name, an associated contract type and a list of locations for which the template will be available.

For a given template, you will be able to enable certain data and set up drop-down lists for that data if necessary.

2. Identify custom data that is redundant with the new data

The new data available on the contract templates may be redundant with custom data you have created. You can go to the configuration module of your HR folder, or any HR folder to identify them.

If no data is identified, then no module will need to be adapted. However, you can use the contract import module to complete the data you just activated (see step 3).

3. Transfer the information from the old data to the new data

Once identified, it will be necessary to transfer the information contained in the old data to the data that you have just activated on the contract templates. To do this, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make a custom report containing the login, the contract start date (to identify which contract to modify next), and the data you want to migrate to the contracts,
  2. Download the report file and replace the headers with the following codes:
    Data Import code
    Login OwnerLogin
    Contract start StartsOn
    the contract template Type
    the reason for the contract HiringType
    the reason for using the temporary contract, TemporaryContractGround
    the end of the trial period (1 and 2) TrialPeriodEndDate / TrialPeriodEndDate2
    the reason for the termination of the contract TerminationReason
    Contract identifier ExternalId
  3. Save this file and import it into the contract import module

At this step, you will have the same information in the old and new data.

4. Adapt the access rights (roles)

This evolution comes with two new permissions: consult and modify the contracts of the collaborators. Administrators will have these permissions automatically activated. But you can also allow your users and managers to access their own contracts. To do so, you can go to the roles configuration to check the corresponding permission, on the "User" perimeter, and possibly "Supervised collaborators" for managers.

5. Adapt the settings associated with the old data

Here is what you have to check and adapt if necessary:

  • Document generation: if document templates use custom data that have been replaced by new data, you will have to modify the templates with the new tags. You will have to temporarily replace them with custom tags. Very soon you will be able to replace them with tags dedicated to contract data.
  • Missing data: if these old data were considered as mandatory in the configuration of the HR file, they would be listed in the missing data. This will no longer be the case with the new data.
  • Importing data: if you are making updates via an automatic import, simply check that none of this custom data is filled in. If this is the case, contact support.
  • Export: If you are exporting the data to be migrated, check if value matches have been set. The correspondences are not applicable to the contracts data, you will have to adjust the values of the drop-down lists within the contracts settings so that they correspond to the values expected in the export.
  • Reporting: The new data is available in the reports. Just make sure you have not saved any report templates with the data in question, in which case they will need to be modified.
  • Change alerts: If you have created change alerts on the old data, you will need to recreate them with the new data.
  • Deadline alerts: same as for modification alerts.

6. Remove the old data from your HR file

In order to avoid any confusion and once you have adapted the settings, you can remove the migrated data from the different sections. You can activate the visibility of the contracts for the people who have access to the impacted sections. To do this, you can go to the role administration, in the "Collaborators" permissions.

Some limitations

  • Document generation: temporarily, the new contract data cannot be integrated in your document templates. You will have to replace them with custom tags.
  • Exports: the correspondences are not applicable to the contracts data, you will have to adjust the values of the drop-down lists within the contracts settings so that they correspond to the values expected in the export.
  • Missing data: if this old data was considered mandatory in the configuration of the HR file, it would go into the missing data. This will no longer be the case with the new data.
  • Trombinoscope: contract data cannot appear in the trombinoscope.

Next evolutions

This new feature will be progressively enriched. In the coming months, you will be able to find new features such as

  • The addition of the "Employment contract" data,
  • The addition of additional data. For this purpose, you can let us know your needs on this page,
  • The implementation of the positions with the specific data of the positions.

This is a non-exhaustive and non-contractual list. It is likely to evolve according to your feedback that you can submit by following this form: Follow the evolutions of Lucca products.

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