Before getting started
Core HR is revolutionizing contract management by supplementing contracts with new data. This new data will allow for new features to be developed: automatic pre-employment declarations, HR indicators, automatic trial period calculations, etc.
The new data items are as follows:
- Contract template;
- Reason for contract;
- Reason for using a fixed-term contract;
- End of trial periods (1 and 2);
- Internship supervisor;
- Reason for termination of contract.
They're added to current data (start, end, establishment and occupation category) and can be activated according to the contract template, in the dedicated setup interface: Employees > Settings > Contracts.
In most cases, this new data already exists in the form of customized data for saving this information. You'll therefore need to migrate over to the new data and to adapt the various settings that may be associated with it.
For API integration with employee data, please contact the Lucca help desk for an analysis of the impact that this development will have.
1. Setting up contract templates
When you create a contract for an employee, you'll need to define the corresponding contract template. The data to be entered for this contract will depend on the template selected.
You can create templates and set them up in the associated settings module (Employees > Settings > Contracts).
A contract template is defined by a name, an associated contract type, and a list of establishments for which the template will be available.
You activate certain data items and set up drop-down lists for them, if needed, for specific templates.
2. Identifying customized data that will be duplicated by new data
The new data provided in the contract templates may duplicate the customized data that you have created. Go into the settings module of your HR file or in any HR file to identify this data.
If no data is identified, there's no need to adapt any modules. That said, you can always use the contract import module to add to the data that you've just activated (see Step 3).
3. Transferring information from old data items over to new data items
Once identified, you'll need to move the information contained in the old data items over to the data items that you've just activated in the contract templates. To do this, you'll need to follow the steps below:
- Create a customized report containing the login, contract start date (to identify which contract is to be edited next), and the data that you want to migrate over to the contracts
- Download the report file and replace the headers with the following codes:
Data Import code Login OwnerLogin Start of contract StartsOn Contract template Type Reason for contract HiringType Reason for using a fixed-term contract; TemporaryContractGround End of trial periods (1 and 2) TrialPeriodEndDate/TrialPeriodEndDate2 Reason for termination of contract TerminationReason Contract ID ExternalID - Save this file and import it in the contract import module
In this step, you'll have the same information across the old and new data.
4. Adapting access permissions (roles)
This development comes with two new permissions: view and edit employee contracts. These permissions will be automatically activated for administrators. However, you can also allow your users and managers to access their own contracts. To do this, you can go into the role settings to select the corresponding permission, in the "User" scope, and "Supervised employees" for managers.
5. Adapting the settings associated with the old data
Here's what you need to check and then adapt, if needed:
- Document generation: if document templates use customized data that is replaced by new data, you'll need to edit the templates with the new tags. You'll need to temporarily replace them with custom tags. Soon, you'll be able to replace them with tags expressly created for contract data items.
- Missing data: if this old data was marked as required in the setup of the HR file, it will be flagged in the missing data. This will not initially be the case with new data.
- Data import: if you're performing updates via automatic imports, just check that none of this customized data is included in them. If this is the case, contact the help desk.
- Export: if you export the data to be migrated, check whether value correspondences have been set up. Correspondences don't apply to contract data; you'll need to adjust the values of the drop-down lists in the contract settings so that they match the values required in the export.
- Report: the new data items are available in reports. Just check that you haven't saved report templates with the data in question, in which case you'll need to edit them.
- Alerts on modification: if you've created warnings for edits made to old data items, you'll need to recreate them with the new data items.
- Alerts on due date: the same principle as alerts on modification.
6. Deleting old data items from your HR file
To avoid any mix-ups and once you've adapted the settings, you can remove the data migrated from the different sections. You can activate contract visibility for people who have access to the affected sections. To do this, you can go into role administration, in the "Employees" permissions.
A few limitations
- Document generation: currently, new data items in contracts cannot be incorporated into your document templates. You'll need to replace them with custom tags.
- Exports: correspondences don't apply to contract data; you'll need to adjust the values of the drop-down lists in the contract settings so that they match the values required in the export.
- Missing data: if this old data was marked as required in the setup of the HR file, it will be flagged in the missing data. This will not initially be the case with new data.
- Who's who: contract data cannot be included in the who's who.
Upcoming developments
We'll gradually keep adding to this new feature. This means that, over the coming months, you'll be able to access new features such as:
- Adding additional data. Regarding future developments, you can let us know what you need on this page.
This list is non-exhaustive and non-binding. It may change according to your feedback, which you can share with us via this sheet: Keep up with developments for Lucca products.