Edflex 🤝 e-learning training content

Connector operation and setup with Edflex

How the integration works

      • Solutions involved: None. In order to add a URL link to the solutions menu, you just need to be a Lucca client.
      • Type of integration: link to third-party software
      • Integration direction: Lucca to Edflex

The integration works if you have at least one Lucca solution.

You can then access Edflex from the Lucca solutions menu.

Setting up the integration

To set up the integration, you need to add an external application in Lucca that can be accessed from the solutions menu with the link to your Edflex URL, which is in the format https://clientname.edflex.com/.

To do this, you'll need to :

  • Go to the cogwheel (top right of your screen) > Other settings > Applications
  • Click on Add shortcut to top-right menu
    • Add the following information, after collecting it from the customer:
    • Application name
    • Application description
    • Application URL
    • Application icon

Once you've added this link, you'll need to create a secondary role named “Edflex”, allowing access to this application, and add this secondary role to the employee file of users who need to be able to connect to Edflex.

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