Displaying reviews in the HR file

Discreet and extremely practical, discover the range of review data that you can add to your HR files.

The key prerequisite is having the HR file enabled in your Core HR application.
If you don't have this app, you can find further details on it in your Integration Area (rocket icon in the top-right of your home page).

Only reviews carried out in Poplee Performance can be displayed, meaning that reviews that have been completed outside of the solution and then imported will not appear automatically. You will need to manually add them in the corresponding HR data.

What types of review can be added to the HR file?

Three campaign categories are available in this data: annual reviews, professional reviews and fixed working days reviews (you can find a recap of the categories on this help page). Here are the details of the data you can display in the HR file:

  • Date of the last annual, professional, or fixed working days review
  • PDF file of the last annual review, professional review or fixed working days review
  • History of review summaries (all categories combined), annual review summaries, and professional review summaries. 

For the third case, whether it's mandatory or optional, the summary will be displayed if:

  • the assessment has been completed
  • the assessment comments have been completed
  • both have been completed

But it won't be displayed if the summary is optional and not completed or if no summaries are required in the review.

What is this used for?

The dates of the last reviews are useful to set up warnings. For example, to receive a notification 2 months before the new professional review campaign is due to be launched, to maintain the mandatory two-yearly frequency. This is compatible with the review recommendations in Poplee Performance.

The PDF file allows Poplee administrators who do not have access to the campaign administration to export the PDF reports of these mandatory campaigns, or to send them automatically via FTP exports.

How do I add them?

From the Employees tab, click on "HR file" in advanced settings, then open the section of your choice. If you enter "PDF", "reviews" or "history", you'll find the list of data available.

Histories of summaries and PDF files: what's the difference?

The history of summaries allows you to keep a chronological record of reviews archived before you started using Poplee Performance. The data contained in the last PDF file will not provide a summary for every year, only for the current year.

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