Before you get started
Timmi Absences lets you synchronize absences in real time with employee calendars using Google Calendar. When an absence is created/approved/deleted in Timmi Absences, it is automatically created/updated/deleted in the employee's calendar.
Setting up Google Calendar synchronization
Timmi Absences relies on Lucca API access authorization configured in the Google Workspace account (previously G Suite).
In Google Workspace, you must authorize Lucca to edit the Calendars of the Google accounts it administers, as follows:
- Log in with an administrator account on
On the administration console home page, go to SecurityAPI commands.
Under Domain delegation, click on Manage domain delegation.
On the page Manage domain delegation, click on Add.
Enter the following information:
- Client ID:
- OAuth scopes:
- Click on Authorize. That's it! The application should be available within an hour, but may take up to 24 hours.
Please note that if you do not have access to this screen, it is because you do not have a Google Workspace account, and synchronization is therefore not possible.
What information is synchronized?
Event labels
You can choose whether or not to show the type of absence (Paid leave, Comp days, Illness, etc.) in the event label. By default, labels are hidden (the event displays "Absent").
When a request pending approval is entered, a temporary event is created in the calendar. When the request is approved, the event is confirmed.
Absences already recorded in Timmi Absences can be synchronized using the initialization function available at the bottom of the settings page (Timmi Absences Exports Absence synchronization).
All you have to do is enter a date: all absences after this date will be synchronized. This allows you to retrieve absences from the last month, for example.
You must select the establishments to synchronize absences with. This allows you to initiate an initialization for certain establishments only.