Import variable items (VRI) in bulk on a period

Before you get started

Pagga Compensation's "VRI" module is an interface for collecting variable remuneration items (VRI). It allows you to view, add, edit, delete and import VRIs for supervised employees.

Access to the VRI import feature is granted by the "Add/edit a VRI" right set in the role assigned to the user.

How the Import VRI feature works:

- The import is used to add-edit VRIs, and not to delete them. You will not be able to import null values.

- The import is used to add-edit VRIs, and not to delete them. You will not be able to import null values.

- If you import a VRI value for the same employee that has already been valued over the period, your import will overwrite the existing value.

Access the VRI import feature

The VRI import feature is available from the VRI menu:


Click on the "Import VRI" button

Download the Excel matrix for entering the VRIs of your employees

Check the establishment and the period you wish to import VRIs for,

Download the Excel matrix by clicking on the "Import matrix" link


Generating the import matrix for the selected period has the advantage of generating a pre-formatted Excel file with all the VRIs that can be entered for the establishment (in columns) and all the supervised employees present over the period (in rows). However, you are free to use your own Excel file, provided that it respects a specific format (see chap. Anomaly management)

The number and order of VRI columns are unrestricted, and do not represent an import constraint.

Comments associated with VRIs can also be imported.


Complete the Excel table and copy the VRIs to be imported 

1- Select the contents of the Excel sheet, right-click and copy (or use the keyboard shortcut "ctrl+C")

2- In Pagga Compensation, right-click on the appropriate area and paste (or use the keyboard shortcut "ctrl+V")

3- A preview of your VRI import over the period is displayed before final integration. At this stage, you can still cancel the import by clicking on "Cancel". The import will be performed once you click on the "Integrate data" button.

Anomaly management

At the VRI import review step, Pagga Compensation checks the consistency of the imported data:

* compliance with the structure of the Excel sheet: 

  - 1st column = employee login in Lucca

  - 2nd column = employee last name 

  - 3rd column = employee first name

  - 1st row = VRI label type, followed by the format of the value to be entered in brackets (Amt) (Qty) (Comments)


* identification of employees involved in the import via their login


If your Lucca login is not recognized, you have 3 options: 

  1- Click on "Cancel", correct the anomaly in your Excel sheet , copy and paste your selection again.

  2- Delete the faulty row and continue your import by clicking on the recycle bin to the left of the row. You will need to complete your import by manually entering the VRIs assigned to the employee in error.

  3- Temporarily assign the unrecognized row to an employee by selecting it from the drop-down menu in the "Select an employee" cell.

* identification of VRI types


for an unrecognized VRI type label, you can re-import after correcting the anomaly, or select a type from the list of types configured for your establishment and finalize your import.

* consistency of the format of imported values


here the imported value does not conform to the expected value for the "Commissions" amount cell: a text field for numeric data. Correct the error on your Excel sheet and repeat the import.

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