Before you get started
Pagga Compensation's "VRI" module is an interface for collecting variable renumeration items (VRI). It allows you to view, add, edit and delete VRIs for supervised employees.
Access to the functions for adding, editing or deleting a VRI is granted by the "Add/edit a VRI" and "Delete VRI" rights defined in the role assigned to the user.
This module displays all the VRIs recorded in tabular form, by period, for the employees you supervise.
1: number of employees at the selected establishment over the period.
2: number of VRIs valorized over the period
3: access to VRI import feature from an Excel file
4: the "export xls" link allows you to extract this grid in Excel.
The table cells are editable, allowing you to perform the following operations:
Adding-editing a single VRI
You can add or modify a VRI for an employee by clicking in the corresponding cell. A window will allow you to enter a value and, if required, a comment.
Click on Save or on the Enter key on your keyboard to complete your entry.
Deleting a single VRI
Click on the VRI cell you wish to delete. In the window click on the recycle bin or enter the value 0
you will be asked to confirm the deletion of the selected VRI.
Deleting all VRIs assigned to a type over the period
Over the period, you can bulk delete the VRIs of supervised employees relating to a pay type. Click on the icon in the column header of the relevant type and select "Delete",
a dialog box will prompt you to confirm the deletion.
Delete all VRIs for the period
In the event of an error in period assignment when importing VRIs, the recycle bin to the right of the period and the count of saved VRIs will allow you to delete all VRIs, of all types, associated with this period and for all employees that you have the right to delete a VRI for.
Before deleting, a dialog box will allow you to check the context of your request and confirm the deletion of the VRIs.