Background information
Creation and overall administration of Absence accounts take place in Configure > Accounts.
All accounts existing on your website are available in this module.
In Timmi Absences, there is a distinction between:
- yearly accounts, also called recurring accounts, which are in recurring categories and have repeating accruals. There are 4 types: Annual Leave, RTT, Seniority, Fractionnement.
- non-yearly accounts, also called one-time accounts, as distinct from recurring accounts. They can have no category, be in a category with no type or be in a one-time category. There are 2 types: Medical leave and Absences that need to be requalified.
Creating an account
To create an account, first click on Create an account
Next, choose the account type.
Lastly, fill in the form (described below) and save.
After the account is created, several actions outside account management may be necessary:
- Payroll export: if you use Timmi Absences’s payroll export, you must link a new account to its wage type or the ‘Do not export’ type, as applicable.
- Acquisition profiles: if the account needs an accrual rule (e.g.: 25 days per year for annual leave), it must be defined in Configure > Regulations > Acquisition profiles.
- Seniority: if days accrue on the account based on seniority, you must define the rule in Credit/debit > Seniority.
- Limit rules: you can configure a limit rule (e.g. Birth, maximum 3 days per request) in Configure > Regulations > Rules
- Schedule colour: you can configure the display colour for the absence in Configure > Preferences
- Accounts list: if you use the report on lunch vouchers or a regularisation rule, remember to add the new account to the appropriate accounts list
Editing an account
To edit an account,
- search for the account or category* you want to modify
- hover the mouse over the row so the modify pencil appears on the right-hand side and click on it
*If you want to change all the accounts in a category (e.g.: all accounts under Annual Leaves), the click on Modify the category. If you want to change only one yearly account (e.g.: Annual Leave 2019), then you must open the Annual Leave category and click on Modify to the right of the account.
Different account set-ups
You can adjust the following settings using the creation and modification form:
General parameters
- Regulations: The regulation chosen allows you to define which set of legal entities will have access to the account.
- Name
- Color: custom color for absences. Only users with the right to see the absence details will see the color.
- Configure the account’s Timmi Absences login (advanced setting): When creating a non-yearly account, you can choose its unique Timmi Absences identifier. If not entered, it is automatically generated. It is not linked to any existing identifier for the payroll account.
- Unit: Accounts in hours can only be used if users have a work cycle in hours or working hours.
- Part time: This setting is for defining the way non-working days are counted for part-time employees. It is only available for recurring categories (annual leave, RTT, Seniority, Fractionnement) in business days.
- Counting method: In calendar days, this parameter ensures that weekends and public holidays are counted if an absence is entered the day before.
- Account available to co-workers: If enabled, employees can use the account. If disabled, the account will only be available for administrators and any managers with access under Manage the schedule.
- Required approval: If the account is available to employees, you can enable the approval workflow here.
- During a request, display a message to co-workers: If the account is available to employees, you can write a message for them. For example: “Please submit your proof to the HR department” for a family event account
- Track balance (or supporting documents): This setting is only available for non-yearly accounts. If you want to follow up on the balance (e.g. TOIL) or proof (e.g. marriage), put Yes. If you do not need to follow up on the balance (e.g. unpaid leave) or you will place the employee on leave yourself (e.g. sick leave), put No.
- Acquisition period: This setting should only be used for yearly accounts (e.g. annual leave). It allows you to specify the period in which leave days will be accrued. It can be monthly (e.g. 2.08 days/month) or in full at the start of the period.
- Credit full entitlements at the period start: Tick this box if the complete accrual is applied at the start of the acquisition period (e.g. 12 days’ RTT on 1 January).
- Round entitlements at the period end: Remember, the labour code states that paid holidays are to be rounded up to the nearest whole number.
- Entitlements calculated from: When creating a recurring category, you must decide when entitlements will be automatically credited. For example, if you create an RTT category in November 2019 for RTT to be implemented on 1 January 2020, put January 2020 here.
- Customise balancing accounts (advanced setting): We recommend not changing the default configuration of balancing accounts. Timmi Absences uses accounting logic. Any debit (days taken) or credit (days accrued) movement on an absence account is offset by a reversing entry on a balancing account.
- Consumption period: This setting is optional for non-yearly accounts. It allows you to specify the period when days can be requested.
- Allow a request before this period: You can decide to simply allow this, allow it but with a warning message for the employee and manager or prohibit requesting advance leave. Please note that, legally, a company cannot refuse leave solely on the pretext of it being taken in advance: Can an employee take their leave in advance?
- Allow a request after this period
- Allow half-day requests
- Allow overdraft (debit balance): With this settings, you can authorise users to request more days than they have presently accrued, within the limit of what they would earn over the current period. So they can have a debit balance. You can also authorise this ‘within the rounding limit’ to deal with cases when a user has a balance of 0.7 days, for example, which prevents them from requesting the full day.
- Force the consumption of the balance in one take: You can force consumption in a single request. For example, if you want TOIL credited to employees to always be taken all at once.
- During a request, do not propose this account by default: Tick this if you never want the account to be suggested first. For example, if your employees have an annual leave (CP) and time-savings account (CET) and they must prioritise use of annual leave, you can tick this settings for the CET account.
- Available in the drop-down menu of a request
Other parameters
- Counted as a leave: Tick this box for the account to be considered an absence in reports or when syncing absences with a third-party application (e.g. calendar). This setting is also used to show who is absent in the homepage and identify absences in our Cleemy Expenses applications (expense report), particularly for lunch voucher calculation and Timmi Timesheet (time tracking).
- Counted as absenteeism in reports
- Remote working and other office leaves: the leave reason will be visible to all
- Considered as effective work time for overtime calculation in Timmi Timesheet (timesheets)
- Include the account in an existing category (optional)
- Edit display number (optional)
- Edit counterpart accounts (advanced setting): If the account is an absence, choose Balance sheet accounts. If the account is used to offset accounting entries (e.g.: Droits crédités, Droits consommés), choose Compensation accounts.
Advanced settings
Click on the right-hand side of the Create an account button to show advanced creation options.
- Create an empty category: You can create an empty category and then link accounts to it. A category is a group of accounts. For example, the Annual leave - yearly category groups together all the Annual leave - yearly 2018, Annual leave - yearly 2019, etc. accounts, or the Congés nécessitant un arrêt de travail (Leave requiring a doctor’s note) category groups together the Sick, Maternity, etc. accounts.
- Create a movement account: Timmi Absences uses accounting logic. Any debit (days taken) or credit (days accrued) movement on an absence account is offset by a reversing entry on a movement account. For example, 1 day accrued on the RTT 2019 account will be offset by 1 day being debited from the ‘Droits crédités’ (Entitlements credited) movement account and 1 day taken will be offset by a credit on the ‘Droits consommés’ (Entitlements used) movement account.