Importing and exporting goals

Before getting started

At the start of a rollout or during the course of the year, you may need to import personal goals en masse for the current period. Similarly, you may need to export goals for specific employees or a particular population.

NB: Team goals cannot be imported, but they can be exported.

Steps for importing personal goals

1 - Retrieve the ready-to-fill import file

Download the template here

2 - Complete the file

This is the complete format, with all possible information on personal goals that can be imported, but only three columns are mandatory (detailed below).

Login (mandatory data): The login is the data used to identify your employees in the Lucca environment. This is what will enable us to link the goals to their space. To retrieve your employees' logins, go to the Employees tab with the help of this explanatory help sheet.

Period Code (mandatory data): Indicate the period in time when the goal should theoretically be achieved. Here are the different periodicities you can enter.

    • Annual: enter the year in YYYY format (e.g. 2021).
    • Quarterly: year + quarter number (e.g. 2021Q1).
    • Half yearly: year + semester number (e.g. 2021S1).
    • Monthly: year + month number (e.g. 202101)

  NB: A goal can only have one periodicity.

Name (mandatory data): Enter the title of the goal (e.g.: Deploy HRIS in the company).

Completion Level (optional ): Enter the % of goal completion if the goal has advanced, otherwise the default value is 0. 

Weight (optional ): if you have weighted goals, enter the desired weight.

StepName ( optional ) : specify the name of the steps of each goal. (e.g.: Choosing an HRIS)

StepCompletionLevelTarget (optional): if you have added one or more steps to the goal, enter the % of step completion.

Example of a minimum format with the 3 mandatory items of information to import goals:

If you wish to import several goals for the same employee over the same period, simply add one line for each new goal.

💡 Note: it is not possible to edit the progress or content of an existing goal via an import. Re-importing a goal with the same title will create a new goal. However, you can always delete an imported file.

3 - Once completed, save your file and check that the format is CSV (UTF-8 encoding) 

4 - Check that the selected periodicity is activated

In the Goal settings tab > Configuration:select only the periodicity on which your goals are based.

5 - Testing and importing the file

Then, still in the Settings tab > Import personal goals tab, drag and drop the file containing the goals to be imported, as shown below.

If necessary, correct any errors, using the messages that will appear if any anomalies are detected. 

NB: The file must be in CSV format (UTF-8 encoding).Please note that the formats have some problems with uppercase letters. If your file is not accepted, check that your login details are indeed in lower case (in your file and on the database).  For more information, please see this dedicated help sheet.

Then validate your import. No notifications are sent to employees during imports.

Then check the imported goals via the Dashboard tab.


Steps for exporting goals 

Exporting personal goals

To export an employee's goals, follow these steps:

1. Go to the “Goals” tab > “My goals”.
2. Select the employee whose goals you wish to export (this can be yourself).
3. Click on the “Export goals (xlsx format)” button to download the export file.

Exporting team goals

To export your team's goals, follow these steps:

1. Go to the “Goals” & “Team” tab.
2. Select the filter according to desired hierarchy level
3. Click on the “Export goals (xlsx format)” button to download the export file.


Solving Mac iOS / Microsoft Windows encoding problems

If you're juggling computers with different environments - Mac iOS or Microsoft Windows, for example - your import files can sometimes be automatically encoded in the wrong format.

If you come across the following problems:

- an error message when importing


- abnormal characters instead of accents


The solution is to encode your file in the correct format. 


1) First option: use Excel

Start by creating a new blank file, then click on “Data” and “Get data from a text/CSV file”



Then select the file that is causing problems: a data preview window opens.

Change the original file format to UFT-8, then click on “Transform”.


Check that the accents are correct, then save your changes 



A new workbook page is filled with the correct data. Then simply save your new file, taking care to select the file type as .CSV (separated by a semicolon).

This new file can then be imported into Poplee Performance with no errors.


2) Second option: use Notepad +++

Notepad ++ is a text and source code editor for use with Microsoft Windows. It is used in programming to easily change the encoding of a file.

You can download it from the official website here.

Once installed, launch Notepad and open your file.

Click on the “Encoding” tab at the top of your screen, and select “Convert to UTF-8-BOM”



Save your file, then import it into Poplee Performance (Goals > Settings tabs)

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