Creating and managing personal and team goals

Before getting started

During a review campaign or a simple progress review during the year, you can create new personal and team goals for an employee. To do this, the administrator needs to activate these permissions and adjust them according to the required roles:

You can find the definitions of these permissions and our recommendations in this help sheet.

How to create personal goals

At the very least, a goal should include:

- A title
- A period
- An assigned employee

You have the option to add steps and step percentages, if needed. By default, the solution provides three step levels at 75%, 100% and 125%. These levels can be customized and are designed to help you precisely describe the goal that you want to assign.
By envisaging what 125% of the goal could represent, you can better determine the steps required to achieve 100%.

💡 Top tip: to describe your goals, you can always use the S.M.A.R.T. method and our blog post.

Creating a goal via the "My reviews" view

In the "My reviews" tab, click the "Propose a goal" button, the goal type selected by default is "Personal goal".

Creating a goal via the "My goals" view

In the "My goals" tab, click the "Propose a goal" button, the goal type selected by default is "Personal goal".

Creating a goal via the "Team" view

Via the "Team" tab, click the "Create a goal" button, the goal type selected by default is "Personal goal".

The "Team" view is perfect for tracking the progression of your team's goals. You can use the filter in the top-left to refine your search. This interface lets you:

  1. Add personal goals
  2. View "at risk" goals
  3. Quickly see the overall progress of each employee
  4. Export progress to date
  5. Search for a specific goal

How to create team goals

Each team objective is necessarily attached to a manager designated by the ‘assigned to’ heading.
This means that you cannot create collective objectives in Performance, i.e. when several people have the same objective. We recommend that you do this either via a review campaign or by entering them manually in the ‘My objectives’ section.

Just like before, simply click the "Create a goal" button and select the goal type "Team goal". 
Next, if needed, you can attach an existing parent goal (2) and/or create child goals, if necessary, by attaching an owner (3):

Editing the goal type

You can easily switch an personal goal to a team goal, or vice versa.
To do this, click on the goal.

You have an employee with an individual goal that you want to attach to a parent goal? Or do you want to attach child goals?
To do this, you'll need to set the goal as a team goal, so that the parent goal and child goal sections appear and you can link them as required.

Please note: This action requires the permission "Create, modify, abandon or delete a goal of" + "Categorize a goal as team goal"

Team goals in reviews

Team goals appear in the form, alongside personal goals. No distinctions are made when setting up the campaign. You simply need to add a "Goals" question with a period, and both goal categories will be displayed in the forms.

Using team goals to create sub-goals

One of the features of team goals is that they can be linked to others. You can use team goals to create sub-goals for employees.
To do this, you'll need to create an employee goal and assign it directly to the employee concerned.

For example,
the employee Valentin/another user needs to create a parent team goal that they will assign to the employee Valentin specifically. Next, they can enter child team goals for the same employee, and these child goals will act as sub-goals.

Understanding automatic progress vs. manual progress of a team goal

If I have assigned secondary goals to members of my team, I will want to be able to focus on or check the overall progress of the primary assignment for which I am responsible. There are two options available:

  • Automatic progress: proposed by default to facilitate the initialization of tasks
  • Manual progress: to keep control of the percentage for reporting purposes

Default operation: automatic progress calculation

When creating a goal, the progression calculation icon is set to "automatic" by default. This means that the progression of your goal is automatically calculated as the average of its child goals. In other words, if the percentages of the attached goals increase, the average of these will automatically advance the progress of the primary goal.


2 attached goals at 15% and 25%, respectively, will bring the progress percentage of their common primary goal to 20%.

Actions for switching to manual mode

However, the manager responsible for the primary goal will have the option to keep control of its progress. Several actions trigger this switch to manual mode, which is fully reversible.

  Automatic progress Manual progress
Activation By default when creating a goal N/A

Via the tile:

- Click on a step higher than the total % or bubble pulled to the right

- Edit the % via the details window

Via the details window: switch to manual calculation
Reactivation Via the details window: switch to automatic calculation  

Details: If automatic progress is deactivated, all you have to do is click on this icon.

Details: Automatic progress activation message with pre-calculation in the title of the window.


Viewing your goal tree

The "Tree" tab lets you navigate and explore the goals for your department or for the company. It is useful for communicating on goal alignment and understanding the context of certain tasks or KPIs, as well as identifying goals not linked to primary goals. Permissions to view the immediate main goals or the reporting line automatically give access to this tab.

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