Setting up a campaign with goals and the links with the goals module

Before getting started

Do you want to assess your employees’ goals at the half-yearly or annual performance review, and define future goals? Here is a step-by-step guide.

Set up a campaign with a Goals question

In the Forms tab of your draft campaign, add one or more Goal questions.

NB: The period selected is the one over which the goals are to be achieved or have been achieved (if some already exist). By default, the period is annual, but you can edit this periodicity in the Settings tab of the goals module.

Find out more: Choosing the right rate for setting goals

💡 Our advice

  1. We recommend that you enter only one goal period per question, to make the review form easier to read.
  2. Specify what is expected in the title. Is it an assessment of the goals of the previous period? Does it aim to define future goals? Or is it just a mid-course review?
  3. And do not hesitate to provide your employees being evaluated with contextual help on your internal goal policy: how to define a good goal (SMART method). How many goals? etc.
  4. Be concise: if you have too much text, the users may not read all of it and you will lose the desired effect.

What is the purpose of the question?

This question in the form will:

  • recall any goals already set for the period (via the goals module, for example - see paragraph below)
  • enable the user to propose a draft goal (only available if the Suggest goalspermission has been activated).

  • enable the goal title or steps to be edited (permissionChange the percentage of progress of the goals of or Create, modify, abandon or delete a goal of has been activated)
  • enable the manager to create, delete or update goals for their supervised employee without going through the draft stage (only available if the Create, modify, abandon or delete a goal of permission has been activated)


What happens once the review is completed?

The goals entered in the form can’t be edited once the review is over. They can still be viewed in the review and in the PDF report (generated at the end of the review).

  • view in the completed review

However, they can still be updated outside of reviews in the Poplee Performance Goals Module.

In fact, regular updating of goals is important so that managers can monitor and activate levers to support their employees' development. In addition, it will provide you, as administrator, with an up-to-date overview on the dashboard, as illustrated below:

NB: if you relaunch a new campaign with a goal question, the updated goals or any new goals entered in the Goalsmodule will appear in the review (if they were entered for the same period as thegoalquestion).

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