Before getting started
This file explains how to attach an employee to an establishment in Lucca.
If you want to create new establishments and/or legal units, we suggest following the preparation steps below:
Change of establishment
To edit an employee's establishment, go to your employee's file:
In the "Contracts" section, you'll be able to schedule a change in the "Establishment" data item by means of an amendment:
A window will open, where you can enter the information regarding the change of establishment and the effective date:
Updated information will be added directly into the employee's current contract:
An error message may appear. We suggest that you check the employee's payroll number, since two employees cannot have the same payroll number within the same establishment.
Editing the Timmi Absences accrual profile
When the establishment is edited for an employee, you also need to edit their Timmi Absences accrual profile, found in their employee file, in order for them to be able to continue to access their accrued entitlements, which are administrated via the Timmi Absences regulations.
In Cleemy Expenses
Before changing the employee's establishment, you need to make sure that they have submitted all their expenses from the old establishment. This way, the expenses will remain in the old establishment's workflow and Cleemy Expenses will then distinguish them from future expense reports.
Next, you'll also need to remember to edit the Cleemy Expenses application profile in the employee file, in order to make sure that it corresponds to the expense policy for their new establishment. This step isn't essential if both establishments use the same expense profile.