Submitting an Expense Report

Background information

After you enter your expenses, you have to submit them in an expense report so they can be approved and checked. Only valid expenses can be submitted in an expense report.

Submitting an expense report from the web app

By default, when you want to submit an expense report, all valid expenses are ticked to be submitted. You can start by unticking the expenses you do not want to submit:


When only the expenses you want to submit are selected, click on ‘Submit expense report’. Cleemy Expenses then suggests a default expense report name (current Month and Year), which you can change:


If a portion of the expenses were paid using the company card, Cleemy Expenses will automatically submit the expenses in two expense reports. Depending on your settings, Cleemy Expenses can automatically group expenses together under different expense reports based on the various analytical sections.

When you click on ‘Create’, a notification email is sent to the person in charge of approving the expense report.

If your company chose our electronic receipts option, we recommend you wait until your expense report is approved and checked before discarding it.

Submitting an expense report from the mobile app

If you already have expenses and at least one of them is valid, the ‘Submit my expense report’ option appears when you tap the ’+’ button on the welcome screen.

By clicking on this button, you submit an expense report that includes all the valid expenses created.

You can choose to not submit all expenses that you entered. Simply tap the thumbnails of expenses you want to submit. Invalid or unsynced expenses cannot be submitted. You will first have to correct them or sync them.

When you tap the ‘Submit my expense report’ button, Cleemy Expenses prepares your expenses and sends you to a screen where you can edit the title of your expense report.

If you have multiple payment methods, like a company card, multiple expense reports may be created: click on the ‘Show details’ bar to see what they contain and to edit their titles.



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