Automatic payroll number generation when an employee is created

Before getting started

The payroll number is the unique ID that lets you identify employees in your payroll system. To facilitate exports of employee data, absences, and payroll variables to your payroll system, you can make it so that a payroll number is automatically generated when you create an employee in Lucca.

Setting up the payroll number template associated with your establishment

To ensure it aligns with the operation of your payroll tool, you have the option of customizing the format in which your employees' payroll numbers are saved in Lucca.  

In the Employees > Settings > Default values menu (you need to have the "Manage default values" permission for the Employees application):


Creating the payroll number format template(s)

Using the tags below, you can set up the content and length of the payroll numbers generated.


  1. Give your template a name
  2. Enter the payroll number format, using the tags available. A link will give you a preview of a payroll number example.
  3. Save your template.

You can add as many templates as you need.

Available formats and tags

Sequential number
{sequence}(X) where X represents the total number of characters, completed with zeros.
For example: with the tag {sequence}(6), the highest existing payroll number is “000111”, so the next payroll number generated will be “000112”

Random sequence
{random}(X) where X represents the alphabetical characters [A–Z, in uppercase]
For example: the tag {random}(7) enables the generation of a random sequence of 7 characters “FKLEZHT”

Number combined with text
yourtext{sequence}(X) where X represents the total number of characters, completed with zeros.
For example: with the tag FR{sequence}(8), considering the last known payroll number = “FR00000036”, you get the payroll number “FR00000037”

You can use pre-defined text tags and combine them:
{legalEntityCode}: employee's establishment code

{user_id}: internal registration code for the user in Lucca
{lastName}(X): where X corresponds to the first characters of the employee's last name
{firstName}(X): where X corresponds to the first characters of the employee's first name

For example, the tag: Sys-{lastName}(3)-{sequence}(4) will give you the payroll number “Sys-GAL-0043” for an employee with the last name GALILEE.

Tip: If you use a sequential payroll number template and wish to keep the logical continuation of existing numbering in your payroll, you can go to the sequential template and define the first number of the payroll number to be generated in Lucca by adding the property "START=first number of the sequence". 

 For example: if you want your generated payroll number sequence to start with the number 200, create your payroll number template as follows: {sequence}(3;START=200).  

Associating the corresponding payroll number template with your establishments



Automatically generating a new payroll number when an employee is created

When a new employee is created in Core HR, the "payroll number" data item will be automatically filled out with the next payroll number available, in accordance with the default template defined for your establishment.

As a reminder, each time a payroll number is added or edited, the unique nature of the payroll number for each establishment is checked.

If a payroll number is deleted, there's a link allowing you to generate a new payroll number in accordance with the template. 


Changing establishments and generating payroll numbers

As payroll number generation is offered by Core HR when the payroll number field is empty, when an employee changes establishment, you just need to delete the payroll number before editing the employee's associated establishment.

With the information now missing, a link will appear to let you re-generate an automatic payroll number that aligns with the format associated with the employee's establishment.

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