Importing attachments

Before getting started

The attachment import module enables you to import numerous files such as employee photos, contracts, bank account information, etc., which may be useful to include in users' HR files. To do this, go to the settings cog wheel icon in the top right-hand corner.

To access this menu, you must have permission to import data. If this is not the case, request this permission from your administrator or from the help desk.


Importing files

Preparing the import file

Naming files:

The file import module lets you analyze file names to make it easier to attach them to users.

There are three types of analysis keys:

  1. Search for the login at the beginning of the file name
  2. Search for the First Name then the Last Name at the beginning of the file name
  3. Search for the Last Name then First Name at the beginning of the file name

We recommend you use a separator character when naming files in order to make it easier to detect the user-association key and dissociate the key from the rest of the file name.

The separator must be specified at the time of import (below) and must be the same for all files contained in the ZIP file.

Separator examples: "-" "_" "|"

Examples of files with valid names (key type, separators):


Creating the ZIP file:

  • Put all the files for import into a single folder
  • Right-click on your folder > 7-Zip > Add to "" or "Compress to Zip"


  • The compressed file can contain up to 150 files and can be up to 60 MB in size.

Importing ZIP files in the "Files" section

Once you are in the import module (settings cog wheel > Import), click on "Files" 


In your file import module: 

  1. Choose the type of key to be detected in the file names.  Four options are available:
    • Look for the login at the start of file name (by default)
    • Look for "first name last name" at the start of the file name
    • Look for "last name first name" at the start of the file name
    • Do not analyze file names: the import process will not try to identify users to match with the files.
  2. Define the separator. This separates the user-association key from the rest of the file name.
  3. Activate or deactivate the option to rename the file.
    This option enables you to remove the user-association key and separator from the final file name.
    For example:
    • Initial file name: PBenton_Reviews2000-2001.pdf
    • User-association key searched for: login at the start of the file name
    • Separator: "_"
    • After importing the final files, the file will appear in Peter Benton's file under the name Reviews2000-2001.pdf


  • Click on "Load file"


  • Import


  • Retrieve the CSV file with the three columns: login, name, and ID
    • If the import process was unable to identify an employee for a file, the "login" column will be set to "not recognized".


  • Remove the "name" column from the file.
  • If some logins have not been found, fill in the login column as required or delete the rows.
  • Rename the "ID" column with the code for the data that you wish to integrate your files into: for example, "picture" for the photo (or any other customized data)
  • Your file should look like the following image


Importing the CSV file into the "User" section

  • Follow the normal steps to import your CSV file in the user import module; you can refer to the help sheet on this topic for more details Importing employee data.


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