The different interfaces available between Lucca and a third-party program

Before you get started

It is possible to set up synchronizations between certain Lucca apps and third-party programs. This help sheet lists the different possible synchronizations as well as their methods. 

If support is needed to implement these different synchronizations, this would be a paid service.

Synchronization methods

We offer three methods:

  • by uploading a file on an FTP server
  • by API (description here)
  • by webservice

Depending on what you want to sync, certain methods are available or not. You will find details in the section on the different types of synchronization.

Depending on the synchronization method, you will need to provide the following in advance: 

  • The availability of an FTP server: you can decide to use your FTP server or a Lucca server. For the creation of a Lucca FTP server, contact the Lucca Help desk.
  • The creation of an API key: here is the help sheet.
  • Activation of the webservice module. To do this, please contact the Lucca Help desk.

The different types of synchronization

Below, you will find a description of the synchronizations generally requested by our clients with the available methods and operations.

If you do not find the synchronization you want to implement in this list, do not hesitate to contact us via the Lucca Help desk so that we can confirm the feasibility.

User synchronization

Each user has a user sheet in Lucca that contains all their personal information for the Lucca solutions to work properly and access permissions to the different solutions.

Without a user sheet, the user will not be able to access the platform and use the solutions.

User synchronization (creation and modification) can be performed in both directions, from external software to Lucca or the other way. The Poplee Core RH solution is needed to synchronize from Lucca to an external program.

From Lucca to an external program (Poplee Core HR)

  • via an FTP server

User creations and modifications can be uploaded in a file in the required format, uploaded at a frequency to be defined on a Lucca FTP server or your server via the export module available with the Poplee Core HR solution. 

The export module is described in the next help sheet.

  • via API

User creations and modifications can be reported via API. Here is our documentation on this subject.

From an external program to Lucca

  • via an FTP server

Users can be created and modified daily by uploading a file in Lucca format to a Lucca FTP server or your own. 

The expected format is described in the next help sheet.

  • via API

Users can be created and modified via API. Here is our documentation on this subject.

Synchronizing analytical sections

Analytical sections are used by several solutions in Lucca to qualify them so that they can then be analyzed. This is the case for activities entered in the Timmi Timesheet solution in particular or expenses entered in Cleemy Expenses. Each time, there are drop-down menus, so that you can link the activity or expense to the analytical sections of one or more sections.

The synchronization of the analytical sections can be done from the external program to Lucca via FTP server and via API.

  • via an FTP server

Creations and modifications of the analytical sections can be integrated by uploading a file in Lucca format on a Lucca FTP server or your server. 

The expected format is described in the next help sheet.

  • via the APIs

The creation and modification of analytical sections can be integrated via API. Here is our documentation on this subject.

Synchronization of the accounting and/or payroll export from Cleemy Expenses

The Cleemy Expenses export module is used to generate:

  • accounting entry files in the format of your accounting software or your ERP from the expense reports submitted by your employees.
  • exports for your payroll software.

The export is synchronized from Cleemy Expenses to your software via upload on a Lucca FTP server or your server at a frequency that is to be defined. 

The file format can be configured directly from the Cleemy Expenses interface to meet the needs of the accounting software (help sheet). The synchronization set-up procedure is described in the next help sheet.  

Synchronization of absences entered in Timmi Absences

Absences entered in Timmi Absences can be synchronized with a third-party program via an FTP server, webservice or API.

  • via an FTP server

An export file in the payroll format or a third-party software format containing all the absences over a defined period can be uploaded to a Lucca FTP server or your server. For more information, here is the help sheet for an export to payroll and for an export to another type of third-party software

  • via the absences webservice

For a real-time synchronization of absences, you can use the absences webservice. The module is described in the next help sheet.

  • via the APIs

Absences can also be retrieved via API. Here is our documentation on this subject.

Synchronization of the activities and/or Timmi Timesheet times export

The times entered in Timmi Timesheet can be synchronized with a third-party program via an FTP server and via API.

  • via an FTP server

The export of times containing all the times attributed to activities or overtime over a defined period can be uploaded to a Lucca FTP server or your server. For more information, here is the help sheet.

  • via the APIs

The times entered can also be retrieved via the API. Here is the documentation on this subject.

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