Before you get started
Analytical sections are imported from a dedicated interface, which is accessible in the settings wheel at the top right of your environment.
To access this menu, you must have permission to import data.
If this is not your case, ask your administrator or the Help desk.
Importing analytical sections
Path: Cogwheel (or settings) Import "Analytical sections" section
The files expected by the import module are .csv with a semicolon separator or .txt
The file to be imported is composed of the following required data in the columns:
- code: it must be unique for the sections of the same section
- name: the label of a section, in the language of the user doing the import. If you want to specify the language of the label, you need as many columns as there are translations, with titles in the name(xx-XX) format where xx-XX is the code for a culture. For example, fr-FR for French, en-GB for British English, en-US for American English, etc.
- axisid: the identifier of the section. This is visible in the sections administration interface, top right.
And data that are not mandatory but have to be completed if you need a restriction on a defined population:
- isactive: allows you to archive a section with the value false or re-enable one with the value true.
- isPublic: accepts the value true if the section is Public, i.e. visible to all users.
By specifying false, you must indicate restrictions to users (identified by login, email or if you do not have people with the same name, the last name+first name pairing), departments or establishments in individual columns; always, one after the other, with the comma as separator.
Updating analytical sections
Bulk updates of your analytical sections can be done using a file import in the same format as the one used for the import except for the sectioncolumn which must not be column A like the example below to deactivate an analytical section whose code is 123 belonging to section 1:
Automating the flow of your analytical data
It is possible to schedule automatic imports.
The file to be imported must be stored on an FTP server, which will be queried each day. The file format to use is the same as for a manual import.
Parent/Child imports
Child-parent links between the sections:
- childrenAxisSections lists the child section(s) of a section. If your codes are whole numbers, the import module may confuse them with section identifiers, so use childrenAxisSections.code
- parentAxisSections work in the same way, although it is on the child lines
Importing of analytical values by default for users
The analytical sections can be attributed to your employees. These data will be visible and modifiable in their user file.
For a section to be linked to an employee, the "Appears on the user file" option must be activated in the required section.
The value of the user must be indicated in the data file that you will import from the user data.
The name of the column to use in the import will be "axisValues.code". It must be filled in with the code of the analytical section to be linked to the user.
If there are several activated sections, you can specify a default value per section by putting several fields labeled "axisValues(1).code", "axisValues(2).code", etc. The identifier of the section in question, displayed on the administration interface of the analytical sections, should be indicated in brackets.
Finally, the list of all the sections assigned to a user follows the cancel and replace rule: if there is at least one "axisValues" column in the file you are importing, all the users specified in the file will have their complete list reinitialized with the sections provided, even if only the values of one section have been imported.