Export a new absence type

Before getting started

The purpose of this sheet is to configure a new type of absence in your payroll exports.

  • Either the absence account already exists, in which case all you have to do is link it to the payroll export.
  • Or the absence account does not yet exist and you must create it first

To create a leave account, take a look at the following help page Create/edit a leave account.

If you are creating a leave account

When creating the absence account, a modal window will open, prompting you to add this absence account to the sections of your export configurations.

  • If only the single export module is activated: the user is sent to it in the modal window provided for this purpose when a new account is created
  • If the single export module + activated old module: the user is first sent to the single export module in the modal window provided for this purpose when a new account is created
  • If only the old export module is activated: the user is sent back to the old export module in the modal window provided for this purpose

If the leave account already exists

A. Single export module

1. Find the account to be linked

Once you are in the Exports page, click on the export configuration you want to edit:


2. Link the account to a payroll section

Once in the required configuration, click on the "Format settings" button and go to the "Sections" tab.

In this tab, you will find all the items added to this export configuration.

A red banner should appear if certain accounts are not linked to a section:


By clicking on "Link", you can link the account to a section by clicking on the "Link to a section" selection field and selecting the target section:


If needed, you can check which accounts are linked to a section. To do this, click on the section name on the left to access the linked accounts that you will find listed on the right of the screen:


B. Old payroll export module

1. Find the account to be linked

You are given a selection of several payroll exports. First select the one you want to edit by clicking on the Settings tab.


Absence accounts that are not linked to a payroll section are highlighted in the settings page.


2. Link the account to a payroll section

By clicking on the orange banner, you will have access to all the absence accounts that are not linked to a section. Simply click on the "Link" button located next to the absence account in order to link it to the pay section you want.


You can check which accounts are linked to the payroll sections. To do this, you must select the section, and then you will see the summary of linked accounts on the right.


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