Archiving an employee's file

Before getting started

You cannot permanently delete an employee's file. You can only archive it by entering a contract end date for the user in question. This will allow you to retrieve their information if they return for a new contract or if you want to verify the data that was associated with them. 

For further information on deleting an employee, you can refer to the article Can I delete an employee's file? 

Archiving an employee's file or record

As we explained above, to archive an employee's file or record (depending on the solution that you've subscribed to) you need to enter a contract end date. 



Reactivating or finding the file of a former employee

If you want to reactivate their account, you simply need to create a new contract for the employee. Please note that they will not be able to access your Lucca base before their new contract's start date.


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