Setting up a Timmi Timesheet profile

Before getting started

This sheet will explain how to create a new Timmi Timesheet profile or change the settings of an existing profile


If you want to manage a new population of Timmi Timesheet submitters operating differently from other submitters, you will have to create a new work cycle and a new profile.

Creating a new work cycle

To differentiate the new population of submitters, you must create a work cycle for them from the cogwheel at the top right > work cycles.

If you have users who must submit their time in schedules and others in hours or some who submit in Attendance mode and others in Activities mode, you must create separate work cycles. To more easily tell them apart, we recommend you give them clear names (for example: ‘Full-time - hours’, ‘Full time - schedules’ or ‘Package per days - attendance’, ‘Package per days - activities’).

For more information on work cycles, visit the Creating and Managing Work Cycles page.

After creating this cycle, go to the HR file for the employees in question (from Co-workers > Application information > Work cycles) and assign this new work cycle to them beginning on the date you want them to submit their time according to the new profile.

Creating a new profile

New profile

To add a new profile, go to Settings and click the "Create a profile" button at the top. You can also duplicate an existing profile. 

Whenever possible, we advise you to Duplicate an existing profile that is similar to the one you want to create (same submission method, same work cycle unit, similar checks and time accounting).

As mentioned below (Setting up time accounting), setting up a profile's time accounting requires assistance from a Lucca consultant and will involve the issue of a purchase order due to its complexity. And if you create a new profile, you must send us a request to set up this section.

You can rename the profile you have created to make it easier to find.

When creating a new profile, you must include:

  • (1) its name,
  • (2) the submission mode: Attendance or Activities,
  • (3) the work cycle unit: day, hour, or schedule
  • (4) the type of time tracking: no time tracking, classic tracking, tracking by time type
  • (5) the start date for timesheet submission.

Setting up the profile

Defining concerned employees

Assign the work cycles to the profile by clicking the "Work cycles" field and clicking save.

Only available work cycles are displayed in the drop-down list: i.e. those that are not attached to another profile, and that are calculated in the same unit as the profile in question (days, hours, or schedules).

An employee cannot be associated with two profiles in the same period. They can be switched from one profile to another if they change work cycles on a given date.

Define the time entry options

In the Time entry options, choose the submission frequency: monthly, weekly, or whole week months.

If you report overtime by the week, you must select a weekly or monthly frequency in whole weeks.

If you select a calendar month frequency but configure time accounting rules by the week, if a week overlaps two months, overtime hours worked at the start of the week will not be reported until the following month. As a result, you may not be able to understand the overtime calculations for the following month.

With the ‘whole week month’ frequency, if a month ends in the middle of a week, the last days of the month will be linked to the following month.

Configuring the approval process

You can define different approval steps by setting up any automatic approvals via warnings and checks (see below Setting up checks and warnings),

In this menu, you can also choose to block administrators from approving their own timesheets in place of a designated approver.

For more information about the approval workflow, please refer to this help page: Setting up the approval workflow for a Timmi Timesheet profile

Setting up email notifications

This menu enables you to: 

  • Schedule reminders to be sent to submitters,
  • Set up email notification to be sent to managers when an employee sends their timesheet for approval,
  • Activate the option to require Lucca authentication when making approvals or submissions from email

Setting up warnings

The next menu, "Warnings", enables you to set up checks on the times entered that trigger visual warnings on the timesheet and in the approval workflow. This is designed to highlight unusual situations and draw a manager’s attention during approval:

You can set up custom warnings. These are free warnings in the form of a checkbox, a label, and an error message if unchecked. These custom warnings enable you to set up rules that Timmi Timesheet can’t calculate itself; for example, whether the right to disconnect has been respected.

Configuring time accounting

Setting up time accounting, and in particular managing Timmi Timesheet Rules, is very complex and requires the assistance of a Lucca consultant, and thus will involve the issue of a purchase order. Incorrect settings in this section can have serious consequences for incorrect overtime accounting.

Configuring time exports

From the Export module, configure the export of overtime hours to payroll or Timmi Absences, and/or the export of activities, following the procedure described here: Configuring exports from Timmi Timesheet.

Activating the analytical sections

If you have selected Activities mode, the final tab, Analytical sections, displays the analytical sections available for your database.

Please note: the analytical section settings are shared across all profiles: if you activate an analytical section on one profile, it will be activated for all profiles in Activities mode.

Tick the sections that your employees have to post time on. For each section, select whether it is mandatory, has a default value, is editable or is hidden. An editable section cannot be hidden.

The "Mandatory" setting offers 3 choices:

  • "Never": selecting a value for this analytical section is optional
  • "Always": selecting a value for this analytical section is required
  • "When available": selecting a value is not required for this section unless it contains values. For example, if you have a Projects - Tasks tree structure and you choose the "When available" setting for the Tasks section, the user does not have to select a task unless the selected project has one.

If a child section is mandatory, the parent section values will only appear in the Timmi Timesheet search if the user has access to the child values. For example, with a customer > Project > Task tree structure, where the customer and Project are always mandatory, a user will not see customer A unless they have access to at least one of customer A’s projects.

To administer analytical sections, please refer to this help page: Creating and administering analytical sections

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