Adding/Archiving/Deleting an employee review to/from a launched campaign

Before getting started

When you launch your review campaign for your employees, you may need to add, archive or remove an employee’s review from a campaign after launching it. This help sheet explains how to do this easily.

Adding an employee to a review campaign

Go to a campaign and, in the "Individual progress" tab, click on "add an employee":

Click on the link to open the corresponding window: select the required employee and specify the preparation dates/deadlines. You could potentially give them additional time to complete their review at the same time as their colleagues.

Please note that the employee will receive a notification indicating that they have been added to the campaign (standard email and not the email customized in the campaign settings)

Archiving an employee's review

A former employee

Only employees with a contract end date in the past can be manually archived via the Individual progress tab of a current campaign, as shown below: 

Note: if the review does not contain any answers, it can be deleted (see below), but if it is a mandatory review, we recommend that you archive it instead in order to prove, in the event of an audit, that the employee was indeed offered a review.

Deleting an employee from a review campaign

Employee present in your company

Review not started

You can delete the review of an employee who has not started to prepare their answers.
This will no longer be possible once they have opened their preparation form.

If you make a mistake, you can always reintegrate the employee into the campaign.

Review started

In this case, you cannot directly delete an employee from a campaign in which the review has been started. We consider that this started review includes useful data that should be saved.

In order for it to be deleted, a review shouldn't contain any of the following data:

  • The employee and the reviewer shouldn't have started their preparation nor published the review
  • No HR messages should have been sent
  • No feedback should have been provided as part of the review

You cannot delete a HR message or feedback, so in both of these cases, the review cannot be deleted.

If no HR messages have been sent and no feedback has been given, you can delete the review by following these three steps:

  • Set the review back to the employee preparation step
  • Ask the employee and/or the reviewer to delete all of the answers from their preparation. Please note that if they want to save their answers before deleting them, they'll need to print out their preparation beforehand (see help sheet).
  • Deleting the review

If you want to delete a whole campaign in progress, please refer to this help sheet.


What should I do if the employee is on sick leave?

What should I do if the employee's review has been started but they can't complete it because they're on long-term sick leave?
In this case, you'll need to carry out two actions:

  • The review should be in the preparation or completion stage. If you're at a later stage (approval or validation), you can set the review back to a previous step (see help sheet).
    During this step, the reviewer needs to send a HR message to the administrators to flag the absence of the employee (see help sheet). 

  • This HR message will be saved when you archive the campaign. This way, the three parties involved (employee, reviewer and administrator) will find this message flagging the absence in the PDF report for the archived review.

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